• 研究:长期缺觉没法补

    10-01-16 Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security. 在一连几个星期睡眠不足的情况下,到了周六睡个懒觉可能会让你感到神清气爽,但这会给你一种错误的安全感。 Sleeping in on Satur...

  • 黄光、蓝光可使脑细胞进入休眠

    10-01-07 Neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a powerful new class of tools to reversibly可逆地 shut down brain activity using different colors of light. When targeted to specific neurons神经原 , they could potentially...

  • “感同身受”有科学依据

    09-12-28 Ever literally felt somebody else's pain? You're not alone, with new research showing some people do have a physical reaction to others' injuries. 你曾经切身感受到别人的痛苦是吗?不止你一人这样,一项最新研究表明,有些人对他人的伤痛确实会产生生理反应...

  • 大麻严重伤害青春期发育

    09-12-18 Canadian teenagers are among the largest consumers of cannabis印度大麻 worldwide. The damaging effects of this illicit违法的,不正当的 drug on young brains are worse than originally thought, according to new research by Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, a psychi...

  • 弥散张量成像可增强去除儿童良性肿瘤的能力

    09-12-06 A new study published this week in the Journal of Neurosurgery神经外科杂志 : Pediatrics小儿科 finds that operative plans for removing Juvenile Pilocytic纤维状细胞的 Astrocytoma星状细胞瘤 , or JPA, tumors in the thalamus神经床 of the brain can be aug...

  • 裸鼹鼠对脑缺氧研究或有帮助

    09-12-01 Blind, nearly hairless, and looking something like toothy(露出牙齿的), plump(圆胖的,丰满的), pink fingers, naked mole rats(鼹鼠) may rank among nature's most maligned(有害的,恶性的) creatures, but their unusual physiology(生理学) endears...

  • 面对危险,男女反应不同

    09-11-30 Men and women may respond differently to danger, a brain scan study suggests. 一项脑部扫描显示,面对危险,男女反应会有不同。 A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging(机能性核共振成像) (fMRI) to assess brain activit...

  • 对阿尔茨海默病的研究进一步深入

    09-11-24 Alzheimer's disease is caused by the build-up of a brain peptide(肽) called amyloid(淀粉状肽)- beta. That's why eliminating the protein has been the focus of almost all drug research pursuing a cure for the devastating(破坏性的) neurodegenerat...

  • 中风治疗新方法或将问世

    09-11-18 Until recently, scientists believed that, following a stroke, a patient had about six months to regain any lost function. After that, patients would be forced to compensate for(弥补,赔偿) the lost function by focusing on their remaining abilities...

  • 新神经成像系统有助于老年痴呆症的早期判别

    09-11-18 Brain imaging can offer a window into risk for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). A study conducted at the University of Kansas School of Medicine demonstrated that genetic risk is expressed in the brains of even those who are healthy, but c...