• 日本白领掀起学习英语热潮

    11-09-25 It's eight in the morning in a Tokyo office building, and a dozen middle-aged Japanese businessmen sit inside small booths, sweating as they try to talk English to the instructors in front of them. 早晨八点,东京的一座写字楼里,12名中年日本商人坐在...

  • 美国某公司赠送客户枪支购物券

    11-09-24 美国佛罗里达州的一家公司近期推出一个无商人受害项目,只要成为该公司客户三个月,就会得到一张购物券用于安全监控设备的升级或者在当地一家枪械商店购买AK-47之类的枪支武器。 A Florida company is giving new clients a voucher(收据,凭单) to buy an AK-47 ass...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁议会通过《美国工作法案》4

    11-09-11 So, some things we can do on our own. Other steps will require congressional action. Today you passed reform that will speed up the outdated patent process, so that entrepreneurs can turn a new idea into a new business as quickly as possible. Thats...

  • 日本企业将联合开发中小型液晶屏

    11-08-31 Hitachi, Sony and Toshiba are planning a joint venture to make small and medium-sized LCD displays for tablet PCs and smartphones. 日立、索尼和东芝正计划为平板电脑和智能手机联合开发中小型液晶显示屏。 The partners say they expect the market for small...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Weekly Address 2011.8.20

    11-08-27 Hello from the Country Corner Farm in Alpha, Illinois! For the past few days, Ive been traveling to small towns and farm towns here in the heartland of this country. I sat down with small business owners in Gutenberg, Iowa; and ranchers(牧场主) an...

  • 汇丰银行未来三年将雇佣15000人

    11-08-02 HSBC Bank wants to hire as many as 15,000 people in emerging markets such as Asia and Latin America over the next three years. 汇丰银行计划于未来三年之内在亚洲、拉丁美洲等新兴市场雇用15000名人员。 The announcement is part of the bank's plan to overh...

  • 《重回17岁》四

    11-06-16 影片对白: Mike: You're doing some gardening. Scarlet: I'm redoing the backyard. Mike: Oh. Scarlet: You want to see? Mike: Yeah, sure. I got some time. Oh, wow. Scarlet: Yeah. Obviously, I still have a lot to do. You can put that... Mike: Right here...

  • 团宝网首次公开募股提高至7.5亿

    11-06-03 Daily discount website Groupon is seeking to raise up to $750m (460m) in an initial public offering (IPO). 每日折扣网站Groupon试图将其首次公开募股提高至7.5亿美元。 Groupon has 83 million members around the world It is the latest move by an internet...

  • Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐

    11-04-01 The final selection of Shanghai Expo Miss Etiquette was held in Hangzhou city, Zhe Jiang province on Jan 31, 2010. 上海世博会礼仪小姐选拔活动总决赛于2010年1月31日在浙江省杭州市启动。 在上面的报道中,Miss Etiquette就是我们所熟知的仪态万千的礼仪小姐,...

  • 奥巴马演讲 你们需要灵活地创新前进2

    11-03-07 Now, in the short term, we came together here in Washington at the end of last year and enacted tax cuts that are already making Americans paychecks bigger and are allowing businesses to write off major investments. These are tax cuts and changes in...