• 2018年末中国首次海上发射火箭

    18-02-28 Chinas first carrier launch from a sea-based launch pad is planned for 2018, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced on Tuesday. 中国航天科技集团公司周二宣布,中国首次海基发射火箭将于2018年进行。 The sea-based launch is o...

  • 世界最大二代矿砂船交付使用

    18-01-12 The worlds largest second-generation VLOC (Very Large Ore Carrier), a 400-thousand-ton ore carrier built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, was delivered to China Ore Shipping in Shanghai on Thursday. 由上海外高桥造船厂生产的40万吨级世界最大的二代...

  • 辽宁号航母将停靠香港纪念回归20周年

    17-06-30 Chinas aircraft carrier CNS Liaoning will visit Hong Kong during celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the territorys return to the motherland, the Ministry of Defense has said. 中国国防部表示,辽宁号航母将停靠香港以纪念香港回归20周年。 July 1 ma...

  • 俄罗斯计划建造一艘新航母

    17-06-29 Russia plans to construct a new aircraft carrier to supplement its sole carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, Viktor Bursuk, deputy navy commander in charge of procurement, said Wednesday. 俄罗斯负责采购的海军副司令维克多布鲁克周三表示,俄计划建造一艘新航...

  • 中国第一艘国产航母001A下水

    17-04-26 China launched its first domestically-built aircraft carrier Wednesday morning in northeast Chinas Dalian shipyard in Liaoning Province. 中国第一艘国产航母周三上午在大连船坞下水。 The new carrier was transferred from a dry dock into the water at a l...

  • 中国更多飞行员可在航母上起降飞机

    16-08-24 A new batch of Chinese fighter pilots has qualified to make landings on Chinas first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. 中国新一批战斗机飞行员已经具备在第一艘航母辽宁舰上进行起降的能力。 Dai Mingmeng, who heads the fighter pilot squadron which will eve...

  • 中国将发射长征7号运载火箭

    16-06-22 China plans to launch its new generation Long March-7 carrier rocket sometime from Saturday to Wednesday from a new launch ground in South China, said the manned space engineering office on Wednesday. 中国载人航天工程办公室周三透露,中国计划于本周六...

  • 法国向俄罗斯延期交付航母

    14-11-26 France has suspended until further notice the controversial delivery of a helicopter carrier to the Russian navy. 法国将延期向俄罗斯海军交付一艘直升机航母,具体时间另行通知。 The Vladivostok was due to be handed over earlier in November as part of a...

  • aircraft carrier 航空母舰

    13-05-09 China's first aircraft carrier was delivered and commissioned to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy Tuesday, according to report by National Defense Ministry's official website. 据国防部官网报道,中国首艘航空母舰于周二正式交接进入中国人民解放军...

  • refit aircraft carrier 航母改建

    12-02-23 China's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that the country is making use of an imported aircraft carrier body for refitting to be used for scientific research, experiment and training. 中国国防部本周三宣布,正利用一艘进口的废旧航母进行改建,用于科...