• 英国“虐猫大婶”被起诉虐待动物

    10-09-25 A British woman who sparked an Internet hate campaign after she was caught on camera dumping a cat into a rubbish bin was charged Monday with causing unnecessary suffering to the animal. 因被摄像头拍下把一只小猫丢进垃圾桶而遭到网友声讨的英国虐猫大婶...

  • It's not my fault 不是我的错

    10-08-26 It's not my fault Mother ( reprimanding训斥,谴责 her small daughter): You mustn't pull the cat's tail. Daughter: I'm only holding it, Mom. The cat's doing the pulling. 不是我的错 妈妈(正教训她的女儿):你不该拽猫的尾巴。 女儿:妈,我只是握着猫尾巴...

  • 英国夫妇开设豪华宠物猫宾馆

    10-07-31 The days of wondering whether your cats OK while youre away may have gone. 对于外出度假时不知该如何安置自家宠物猫这个问题,英国人最近找到了答案。 Sparky the cat relaxes beside in the Autumn Suite at Longcroft Luxury Cat Hotel. A new luxurious feline...

  • My painful cat-sitting adventure 我的痛苦的猫保姆经历

    10-06-02 Why and how I got myself into this situation is still unclear to me. A lady friend, a quite good looking lady friend, asked me to check her two cats while she was out of town for several days. I said, Sure. I thought to myself, How difficult could i...

  • 仿造猫脑结构制造计算机

    10-04-15 A cat can recognize a face faster and more efficiently than a supercomputer. That's one reason a feline(猫科的) brain is the model for a biologically-inspired computer project involving the University of Michigan. U-M computer engineer Wei Lu has...

  • Ways to report death 报丧方式

    10-04-13 Ways to Report Death Two brothers, Herbert and James, lived with their mother and a cat named Edgar. James was particularly attached to(附属于,爱慕) the cat, and when he had to leave town for several days, he left Herbert meticulous(小心翼翼的,...

  • The Black Cat (2)

    10-01-04 But, as the weeks passed, I began to dislike the animal more and more. I do not know why, but I hated the way he loved me. Soon, I began to hate himbut I was never unkind to him. Yes, I was very careful about that. I kept away from him because I reme...

  • The Black Cat

    10-01-04 You are not going to believe this story. But it is a true story, as true as I sit here writing itas true as I will die in the morning. Yes, this story ends with my end, with my death tomorrow. I have always been a kind and loving personeveryone will...

  • Elusive golden cat caught on film 神秘金猫被发现

    09-09-17 One of the most elusive of all wild cats has been photographed deep in the jungle of Uganda. 最神秘的野生猫之一在乌干达的丛林深处被拍摄到。 Snapped by a digital infrared camera trap Three images of a wild African golden cat were taken by a digital i...

  • Sybil the Downing Street cat dies 英国唐宁街“第一猫”西比

    09-08-08 Sybil the cat, who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two years ago, has died after a short illness. Sybil the cat, who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two...