• 电子香烟可能同样有瘾

    15-07-23 Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs have been touted as a tool smokers can use to wean themselves off of traditional cigarettes, which many believe are more harmful than their e counterparts. But because e-cig liquid also contains nicotine and emits car...

  • plain packaging 素面包装

    15-02-07 Ten years after setting a trend with its workplace smoking ban, Ireland is pushing ahead to be the first EU state with plain packaging for cigarettes, despite fierce opposition from tobacco companies. 10年前,爱尔兰开创了工作场所全面禁烟的潮流,而现...

  • 英国禁止未成年人买电子烟

    14-03-31 Under-18s in England are to be banned from buying electronic cigarettes, the government has announced. 英国政府宣布,禁止18岁以下的未成年人买电子烟。 Experts say it is not yet known what harm the tobacco-free devices could inflict(造成) and that t...

  • 纽约将提升香烟的最低购买年龄

    13-10-31 New York City Council has voted to raise the minimum age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21. 纽约市议会投票决定将购买香烟的最低年龄从18岁提升至21岁。 New York will now become by far the most populous place in the US to impose such a high age limit,...

  • 薄荷卷烟与普通香烟一样有害

    11-03-24 Smokers of mentholated(含薄荷醇的) cigarettes are no more likely to develop lung cancer than other smokers, according to a new, very large, prospective study of black and white smokers published online March 23 in the Journal of the National Cance...

  • 烟瘾大的美国人数量在减少

    11-03-16 From 1965 to 2007, the population prevalence of persons who smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day declined significantly, and there was also a decrease in the prevalence of smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day, with these declines greater in Californi...

  • 电子香烟是戒烟的好工具

    11-02-09 A study led by Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researchers reports that electronic cigarettes are a promising tool to help smokers quit, producing six-month abstinence(节制) rates nearly double those for traditional nicotine repl...

  • 全球卫生官员呼吁禁用烟草添加剂

    10-11-22 A conference on tobacco held in Uruguay has recommended that additives used to make cigarettes more appealing to new smokers should be restricted or banned. 乌拉圭举办的一场烟草研讨会上建议限制或禁止烟草添加剂的使用,据悉烟草添加剂可以使新烟民更易上...

  • 美国将改变香烟包装警示标识

    10-11-15 Corpses, cancer patients and diseased lungs are among the images the federal government plans for larger, graphic warning labels that would take up half of each pack of cigarettes sold in the United States. 美国联邦政府计划在美国境内销售的香烟包装盒...

  • 古巴将停止向老年人提供廉价香烟

    10-08-26 Cuba's elderly will no longer be entitled to state-subsidised cigarettes, the government has said. 古巴政府宣称,国内的老人将不再享受政府补贴的廉价香烟。 All Cubans 55 or older are allocated(分配,分派) four packs of cigarettes a month for about 2...