• Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

    11-09-16 A certain daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that just as one proble...

  • Three Turtles 三只乌龟

    11-05-20 Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain. The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, Go home and get the umbrella. The little turtle replied, I will, if you don't drink my offee. We won't, t...

  • 《十日拍拖手册》一

    11-04-07 影片对白: Jeannie: Andie, it's brilliant. It's really moving. But it's never going to appear in Composure Magazine. Andie: God, I busted my butt in grad school to be Andie Anderson, How to girl, and write articles like, How to Use the Best Pick-Up...

  • Salty Coffee

    10-12-02 He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promise...

  • Response Ability

    10-11-18 An Ogden, Iowa, minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation(集会,集合) for a cup of coffee. When asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied, It's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to...

  • Salty Coffee 咸咖啡

    10-07-14 He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promise...

  • 休闲好去处 日本“猫咪时光”咖啡馆

    10-05-22 在日本大阪市心斋桥地区的美国村,有一家名为猫咪时光的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的诱人之处不是口感上佳的咖啡,而是一群不寻常的服务员猫。 The cafe, named Neko no Jikan, which can be translated as cats' time, is one of Japan's original cat cafes and is home to...

  • 天然害虫防治保证咖啡豆生长

    10-01-26 There is good news for coffee lovers and growers worldwide: A predator食肉动物,捕食者 for the devastating毁灭,摧毁 coffee berry borer钻孔器,穿孔者 has just been discovered in Africa. Looking at coffee berries in Western Kenya, Dr. Juliana Jaramil...

  • 喝茶或咖啡可“预防糖尿病”

    09-12-15 Tea and coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large body of evidence shows. 大量证据显示,饮用茶和咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险低一些。 Three to four cups a day appeared to offer some protection And the protection may not be...

  • Mona Lisa recreated with coffee 澳大利亚:咖啡拼出“蒙娜丽莎

    09-08-08 It measures 20 feet high and 13 feet wide and took a team of eight people three hours to complete. The Mona Lisa, one of the world's most famous paintings, has been recreated with 3,604 cups of coffee - and 564 pints of milk. The different colours w...