• 美国某餐厅让女店员配枪上班

    15-01-19 A restaurant owner insists that of all her waitresses openly carry fully-loaded guns and encourages diners to tip with bullets after a man was killed onsite. 因一名男子在店外被杀,美国一家餐厅的老板让所有女店员公开配枪上班,而且是上满子弹的真枪,并...

  • 东京咖啡屋 玩偶化解单身尴尬

    14-05-26 Talk about creative coping mechanisms for being alone -- from the blogger who photographs selfies with his imaginary girlfriend to the company that takes your stuffed animals on vacation without you, Japan appears to be cornering the market on accom...

  • 亚马逊正在试验用无人机送货

    13-12-02 Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is testing unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers, according to Chief Executive Jeff Bezos. 亚马逊世界上最大的在线零售商董事长杰夫贝索斯称,亚马逊正在测试使用无人飞机向顾客运送货物。 Amazon said it...

  • 英国IT公司研发人脸识别技术

    13-07-28 The technology ensures that staff members can offer a more personalized service - and don't unwittingly miss out on potentially lucrative sales - by flagging up famous or wealthy big spenders. 日前一家英国IT公司声称研发出一项贵宾身份识别技术,能够通...

  • 给差评的顾客往往是忠实顾客?

    13-07-28 美国麻省理工学院和西北大学的两位零售学教授研究发现,在购物网站上给差评的顾客往往是在该网站购物最多且最忠实的顾客。套用一句法国谚语来说,就是你最好的朋友同时也是你最严厉的批评者。由此也反驳了此前流传的购物网站的差评多来自竞争对手或奇葩顾客这一观点。...

  • 圣诞歌曲能提升消费者购物欲

    12-12-23 Endless loops of songs like All I Want For Christmas in shops during the festive season don't just drive us mad - they also make us more careless with our money, academics have warned. 学者警告说,圣诞节期间商店里不断循环播放的像《圣诞节我只要你》这...

  • dark store 幕后店

    12-12-18 The dark stores , which are laid out in the same manner as normal stores, are used exclusively by staff doing virtual shopping for online customers, not accessible to the public. 幕后店(dark store)是专为在线购物顾客配货的店面,其陈列方式与常规商店...

  • 售后服务是一种情感体验

    12-09-03 You can probably recall a customer service experience that left you feeling good. A recent study has shown not only that positive emotion from sales staff is contagious(感染性的) to a customer, but that a satisfied customer also improves the sales...

  • Bustaurants 巴士快餐车

    12-08-08 Instead of the typical standing at a curb, ordering and eating, the customers of these new eateries are given the option to step on board and be seated at tables inside the bus. Bustaurants have been popping up all over the place for some time now,...

  • 多数平胸女对自己的胸型很满意

    10-09-25 It is commonly assumed that small-chested women feel that natures lottery has left them coming up short. The parade of heaving bosoms in Victorias Secret catalogs not only suggests that bigger is better but also that supersizing with a push-up bra i...