• dumpster fire 垃圾箱着火

    16-08-10 Dumpster fire refers to a person, organization, or situation that is hopelessly and disastrously out of control, or something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with. 垃圾箱着火指的是某人、某个机构、或某种情况处于绝望境地,或者处于灾难性地失控...

  • 英文合同必备词汇 2

    16-08-03 11. herewith with this communication;enclosed in this(同此,随信附上) 例句: Please find two samples enclosed herewith. 寄上样品两种,请查收。 12. thereafter after that(此后,后来) 例句: The commitment fee shall quarterly be paid from the date...

  • elephants deal 大象交易

    16-05-04 The term elephants is a slang for large institutions that have the funds to make high-volume trades. Examples of elephants are professionally managed entities like mutual funds, pension plans, banks and insurance companies. 大象指有资本进行大额交易...

  • 七大导致恋爱分手的异性特质

    16-04-23 Most singles have deal breakers when evaluating whether or not someone is their future Mr. or Mrs. Right. 在判定一个人是不是未来伴侣的时候,大多数单身人士都有自己的一套择偶标准。 Researchers have now complied a list of the top deal breakers in order...

  • 安邦保险提高对喜达屋的收购价格

    16-03-29 It appears Chinese insurer Anbang isnt giving up on its attempt to purchase Starwood. 中国安邦保险公司似乎并未放弃对喜达屋集团的收购计划。 A new report suggests the consortium led by Anbang has upped its offer for Starwood to close to 14 billion US...

  • 万达集团将获传奇娱乐控股权

    16-01-06 It's been reported that China's real estate and investment conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group has reached a deal to acquire a majority stake in the U.S. movie studio Legendary Entertainment. 据报道,中国房地产投资企业大连万达集团与美国电影工作室传奇娱...

  • 世纪佳缘与百合网宣布合并

    15-12-09 China's two leading match-making websites jiayuan.com and baihe.com have announced a merger. 中国两大婚恋网站世纪佳缘与百合网宣布合并。 Baihe's subsidiary, LoveWorld, will buy Jiayuan for just over 250-million US dollars. The deal is expected to clo...

  • 奥巴马讲话 就伊朗核协议发表讲话

    15-07-31 This week, the United States and our international partners finally achieved something that decades of animosity has not - a deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This deal will make America and the world safer and more secure...

  • 与毒品有关的词语

    14-09-15 MDMA摇头丸 cocaine可卡因 marijuana大麻 opium鸦片 heroin海洛因 morphia 吗啡 amphetamine 安非他明 pep pill 兴奋剂 ice (methamphetamine hydrochloride)冰毒 drug trafficker/dealer毒贩 drug mules毒骡(充当运输毒品工具的人) drug addiction 毒瘾 drug addi...

  • 雅虎11亿收购微博客

    13-05-20 Yahoo's board has approved a deal to buy New York-based blogging service Tumblr for $1.1bn (725m), US media reports say. 美国媒体报道,雅虎董事会通过一项决议,以11亿美元的价格收购纽约的微博客。 The acquisition is expected to be announced as early as...