• 吸烟使非裔美国人增加风湿性关节炎风险

    10-11-24 A new study determined that African Americans who smoke cigarettes have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis ( RA风湿性关节炎 ). RA risk is more pronounced(显著的,断然的) among individuals positive for the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope(表...

  • 儿童慢性肾脏病可能由母亲健康导致

    10-11-22 Children with Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD慢性肾脏病 ) are more likely to have mothers who were obese or had diabetes(糖尿病) during pregnancy, according to a study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientif...

  • 研究人员发现生成干细胞新方法

    10-11-22 As debilitating(衰弱的) as disease can be, sometimes it acts as a teacher. Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have found that by mimicking a rare genetic disorder in a dish, they can rewind the internal...

  • 研究:成功女性更容易心脏病发作

    10-11-21 High-flying women with demanding jobs are almost twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, research shows. 研究显示,那些应对艰巨工作任务的成功女性心脏病发作的几率是其他女性的两倍。 Those with highly stressful careers are more at risk from strokes,...

  • 海地霍乱已蔓延至多米尼加

    10-11-17 The Dominican Republic has detected its first case of cholera, following the outbreak of the disease in neighbouring Haiti last month. 多米尼加共和国已检测到第一例霍乱病例,可能因其邻国海地上月爆发霍乱导致。 The patient is a Haitian migrant who had...

  • 新式脑损伤评定工具问世

    10-11-16 A Queen's University neuroscientist is launching a medical tool at the world's largest neuroscience conference in San Diego on Monday, Nov. 15. The KINARM Assessment Station will greatly improve the way healthcare workers assess patients suffering f...

  • 海地霍乱死亡人数超900

    10-11-15 The number of people in Haiti who have died from cholera has reached 917, the country's health ministry says. 海地卫生部表示,死于霍乱的人数已经上升至917人。 More than 14,000 people have been hospitalised since the outbreak The disease is present in...

  • 霍乱在海地迅速蔓延

    10-11-12 Cholera is spreading quickly in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, as the death toll rises across the quake-hit country. 霍乱在海地首都太子港迅速蔓延,导致这个地震受灾国家死亡人数迅速上升。 More than 80 people have died in the last 24 hours acro...

  • 中非数百万人将接种小儿麻痹症疫苗

    10-11-12 Aid agencies are planning to immunise three million people in central Africa after a polio outbreak, which has killed more than 100 people. 非洲中部爆发小儿麻痹症,导致100多人死亡,救援机构计划向三百多万人接种疫苗。 Polio can cause paralysis and dea...

  • 日常糖尿病药物可延缓多囊肾囊肿的生长

    10-11-12 Researchers report that a drug commonly used to treat diabetes may also retard(延迟,阻止) the growth of fluid-filled cysts(囊肿) of the most common genetic disorder, polycystic kidney(多囊肾) disease. PKD does not discriminate by gender or ra...