• 癌症治疗集束炸弹疗法即将问世

    10-08-24 Chemotherapy(化学疗法) , while an effective cancer treatment, also brings debilitating(使衰弱的) side effects such as nausea(恶心,晕船) , liver toxicity and a battered(破旧的) immune system. Now, a new way to deliver this life-saving therap...

  • 患红斑狼疮的黑人妇女早年易患心血管疾病

    10-08-20 A recent study by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine found significant racial disparities(不同,不一致) in the age of systemic lupus(狼疮,天狼星) erythematosus(全身性红斑狼疮) (SLE) patients at the time of hospital admission for ca...

  • 体重的增加将损害血管

    10-08-19 Mayo Clinic researchers found that healthy young people who put on as little as 9 pounds of fat, specifically in the abdomen(腹部) , are at risk for developing endothelial cell(内皮细胞) dysfunction(功能紊乱,机能障碍 ) . Endothelial cells lin...

  • 心率提高可显著增加死亡危险

    10-08-13 An elevated resting heart rate that develops or persists during follow-up is associated with a significantly increased risk of death, whether from heart disease or other causes, researchers from the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Pres...

  • 心跳声可帮助诊断心力衰竭

    10-08-11 For emergency department patients with shortness of breath and a risk of heart failure, physicians usually grab one thing first: a stethoscope(听诊器) . It allows them to hear the S3, an abnormal third sound in the heart's rhythm strongly associat...

  • 北美某种蝙蝠可能遭受灭顶之灾

    10-08-06 A new study led by Boston University College of Arts Sciences researchers predicts that one of North America's most common bat species, the little brown myotis(鼠耳蝙蝠属) , will be all but extinct in the Northeast in 20 years due to an emerging d...

  • 亨廷顿氏舞蹈病治疗研究取得重大突破

    10-07-30 Scientists at the Buck Institute for Age Research have discovered that a particular family of enzymes(酶) are involved in the breakdown(分解,故障) of proteins that modify the production of toxic fragments that lead to the pathology(病理学) of...

  • 黑人青少年缺乏维生素D易导致动脉硬化

    10-07-30 Vitamin D deficiency is associated with arterial stiffness(动脉硬化) , a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, in black teens according to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's www.endo-society.org (JCEM). Black teens...

  • 研究:饮酒可缓解关节炎症状

    10-07-29 Drinking alcohol can not only ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis it appears to reduce disease severity too, research suggests. 研究显示,饮酒不仅可以缓解风湿性关节炎的症状而且似乎可以减轻病情的严重度。 More research is needed to find out why...

  • 简单的心脏搭桥手术不会影响孩子的神经认知能力

    10-07-26 School-aged children who undergo cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB心肺转流 ) during surgery for less complicated congenital(先天的,天生的) heart defects do not appear to suffer any impairments(损伤,损害) in neurocognitive abilities, such as intelli...