• 某超级病菌的中枢控制器被发现

    10-06-04 McMaster University researchers have discovered a central controller or processing unit (CPU) of a superbug's weaponry(兵器,武器) . An article on the breakthrough appears in the high-impact journal Science today. The team from the Michael G. DeGr...

  • 研究人员发现可能导致先天缺陷的基因

    10-05-31 An international group of researchers has identified the genetic cause of an inherited condition that causes severe foetal(胎儿的) abnormalities. The work, co-led by geneticists at the University of Leeds, together with colleagues from institutes...

  • 研究:刷牙会降低心脏病风险

    10-05-28 People who fail to brush their teeth twice a day are putting themselves at risk of heart disease, say researchers. 研究人员称,未能达到一天刷牙两次的人将有患心脏病的风险。 Dentists recommend brushing twice a day A Scottish study of more than 11,000...

  • 亨廷顿疾病防治研究取得重大突破

    10-05-24 They might not be known for their big brains, but fruit flies are helping to make scientists and doctors smarter about what causes Huntington's disease and how to treat it. New research, published in the journal GENETICS (http://www.genetics.org) de...

  • 微粒空气污染影响心脏健康

    10-05-20 Breathing polluted air increases stress on the heart's regulation capacity, up to six hours after inhalation(吸入) of combustion-related small particles called PM2.5, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. Stress on the heart fro...

  • 肺部疾病可能是遗传性的 即使没有家族病史

    10-05-18 Patients who encounter serious lung diseases in middle age, despite an absence of family history or other predisposing(素因性的) factors, may still have their genes to blame, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the National Instit...

  • 阿富汗罂粟种植遭遇真菌感染

    10-05-13 A serious disease is affecting opium poppies in Afghanistan, Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has said. 联合国毒品与犯罪办公室领导科斯塔称,阿富汗罂粟种植业遭遇到一种严重的真菌感染。 A fungal disease is thoug...

  • 新线索有助抵御登革热

    10-05-07 New clues into how the body fights off the tropical disease dengue fever could help in the search for a vaccine. 人体如何抵御热带疾病登革热所带来的新线索将促进其疫苗的研究工作。 Dengue fever is transmitted by a mosquito bite The research, published...

  • 子宫内膜干细胞可修复受损脑细胞

    10-05-07 Stem cells derived from the endometrium ( uterine lining子宫内膜 ) and transplanted into the brains of laboratory mice with Parkinson's disease appear to restore functioning of brain cells damaged by the disease, according to a new study by Yale Sch...

  • 50岁以下女性须妥善处理工作压力

    10-05-06 Stress at work raises the risk of heart disease for women under 50, a study of more than 12,000 nurses suggests. 一项基于12000多名护士的研究显示,工作带来的压力会使低于50岁的女性患心脏病风险增加。 A heart attack deprives the heart of oxygen, causing...