• 基因疗法可用于治疗严重忧郁

    10-10-21 In a report published in the Oct. 20 issue of Science Translational Medicine, researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center say animal and human data suggest gene therapy to the brain may be able to treat patients with ma...

  • 研究人员利用眼球测试家畜神经疾病

    10-10-20 The eyes of sheep infected with scrapie(痒病) a neurological disorder similar to mad cow disease return an intense, almost-white glow when they're hit with blue excitation(激发,刺激) light, according to a research project led by Iowa State Univ...

  • 科学家揭开砷化合物有毒亦可治病之谜

    10-10-14 Scientists have solved an important mystery about why an arsenic(砷的) compound, called arsenite(亚砷酸盐) , can kill us, and yet function as an effective therapeutic agent against disease and infections. According to new research published in t...

  • 西瓜可有效降低血压

    10-10-14 No matter how you slice it, watermelon has a lot going for it sweet, low calorie, high fiber, nutrient rich and now, there's more. Evidence from a pilot study(初步研究) led by food scientists at The Florida State University suggests that watermelo...

  • 人体“圆润型”基因被发现

    10-10-11 The parts of our DNA which may influence body shape, including the classic apple or pear shape in women, have been revealed. 人体DNA的某些部分可能会影响到体型,例如女士经典的苹果型圆润型体型。日前这些部分已被发现。 The genes help determine body shap...

  • 帕金森症患者的脑细胞脱离了线粒体

    10-10-07 In a study that sheds new light on the causes of Parkinson's disease, researchers report that brain cells in Parkinson's patients abandon their energy-producing machinery, the mitochondria(线粒体) . A shutdown in fuel can have devastating effects...

  • 内科医生治疗周边动脉症思路发生转变

    10-10-06 A balloon angioplasty(气囊血管成形术) device that sucks up dangerous plaque(血小板) debris could trigger a paradigm shift(典范转移) in how physicians treat peripheral(外围的,次要的) artery disease, researchers write in the current issue of...

  • 远程医疗可以缓解老年抑郁症吗?

    10-10-04 Studies have shown a high rate of depression among elderly homebound(回家的) individuals, and few patients receive adequate treatment, if any(若有的话) . To address this issue, researchers at Rhode Island Hospital and other organizations have de...

  • 无痛激光设备可检测某些疾病的早期症状

    10-09-27 Portable devices with painless laser beams could soon replace X-rays as a non-invasive way to diagnose disease. 带有无痛激光束的便携设备可能将迅速取代X射线成为诊断疾病得力工具。 Researchers say that the technique could become widely available in abo...

  • 压力可以控制我们的基因

    10-09-25 Stress has become one of the major disease states in the developed world. But what is stress? It depends on from where you look. You may experience stress as something that affects your entire body and mind, the causes of which are plentiful. But if...