• 有焦虑症的心脏病患者会经历更多心血管事件

    10-07-06 Among patients with heart disease, anxiety disorders(焦虑症) appear to be associated with a higher risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure and death, according to a report in the July issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Ar...

  • 初级护理中冠心病诊断新方法问世

    10-07-06 A simple new rule can help primary care physicians(内科医生) rule out(排除,取消) coronary heart disease(冠心病) in patients with chest pain, states a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only) http:...

  • 抗体生成B细胞可导致动脉粥样硬化

    10-07-06 Antibody-producing B cells promote atherosclerosis(动脉粥样硬化) in mice, according to a study to be published online on July 5th in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (www.jem.org) These findings came as a surprise, as prior studies had suggest...

  • 美国选美大赛 “光头美人”卡伊拉夺冠

    10-07-03 美国特拉华州选美大赛日前尘埃落定,光头美人卡伊拉马特尔赢得冠军头衔。今年21岁的卡伊拉自幼患有斑秃(俗称鬼剃头),她的胜出无疑挑战了选美惯例。 Kayla Martell, 21, has been suffering from a disease her entire life. The illness, alopecia areate, has caus...

  • 记忆的形成机理

    10-06-29 New research led by the University of Leicester and published in a prestigious(有名望的) international scientific journal has revealed for the first time the mechanism(机制,原理) by which memories are formed. The study in the Department of Cell...

  • 高密度脂蛋白可能对1型女糖尿病人有害

    10-06-27 Elevated blood levels of high-density lipoprotein ( HDL高密度脂蛋白 ) or good cholesterol(胆固醇) , typically thought to protect against heart disease, may do the opposite in women with type 1 diabetes, according to a University of Pittsburgh Grad...

  • 生理学家初步发现变性疾病的病理

    10-06-27 A mechanism that regulates(调节,校准) stem- cell differentiation(细胞分化) in mice testes(睾丸) suggests a similar process that may trigger degenerative disease(变性疾病) in humans, according to a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences...

  • 巨细胞病毒性胃炎之内镜检查新发现

    10-06-25 Cytomegalovirus ( CMV巨细胞病毒) disease is a serious complication after allogeneic(同种异体的) hematopoietic(造血的) stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT), which is widely accepted as a curative(有疗效的) therapy for advanced hematological(血...

  • 新方法可阻止色素性视网膜炎引起的失明

    10-06-14 Researchers at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center have found a way to use a radical new type of gene therapy to prevent blindness caused by retinitis pigmentosa(色素性视网膜炎) , giving hope to the estimated 100,000 Americans who su...

  • 辐射发光与放射性粒子可用于疾病检测

    10-06-09 During SNM's 57th Annual Meeting, investigators presented the results of a multidisciplinary(有关各种学问的) study involving the capture of radiation luminescence(发冷光) and radioactive-excited nanoparticles to help detect subtle(微妙的,敏感...