• 盖茨基金会捐献100亿美元用于疫苗研究推广

    10-02-01 Today, the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation announced it would dedicate $10 billion over the next ten years to support vaccine疫苗 research, development and delivery throughout the developing world. This commitment is unprecedented空前的 . Preventable...

  • 拉丁美洲人患心脏病有地区差异

    10-01-17 Latinos拉丁美洲人 are not all the same when it comes to risk of heart disease, and a new study by a Columbia University researcher shows key differences among Hispanic populations that doctors should take into account in trying to stem阻止 the risk...

  • 帕金森氏症基因危险因素被发现

    10-01-17 Our study reveals the interaction of genetic and environmental factors such as dietary habits in the pathogenesis发病机理 of Parkinson's disease, explained Dr. Matthias Elstner of the Neurological Clinic of LMU and Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, lead aut...

  • 老年痴呆症、唐氏症、动脉硬化病理可能相同

    10-01-17 Nearly 20 years ago Huntington Potter kicked up a storm of controversy争论,辩论 with the idea that Down syndrome唐氏症 and Alzheimer's were the same disease. Now the evidence is in: He was right. And that's not all. Down syndrome, artery-clogging动...

  • 风湿病学家发现关节炎的基因根源

    10-01-11 Work done in part by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston has led to the discovery of two new genes that are implicated in ankylosing spondylitis关节固定性脊柱炎 (AS), an inflammatory炎症的 and potentially disablin...

  • “矮个儿”易患肺病

    10-01-08 People who develop chronic lung disease are more likely to be shorter in height than the general population, researchers say. 研究人员称,患有慢性肺部疾病的人似乎比正常人群矮一些。 People with COPD often need many medications The University of Notti...

  • 老年痴呆症患者患癌症风险减少

    09-12-25 Alzheimer's disease is associated with a reduced risk of cancer and vice versa, a study suggests. 调查显示,患老年痴呆症的人患癌症的风险很小,反之亦然。 The number of dementia patients in the UK is predicted to double US researchers followed 3,020 p...

  • 洛克比爆炸案主犯身体状况“恶化”

    09-12-21 The condition of the terminally ill Lockerbie bomber has deteriorated, it has been confirmed. 有消息称,处于癌症晚期的洛克比爆炸事件主犯身体健康状况恶化。 Megrahi was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008 Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, 57, who was jail...

  • 研究人员发现新的遗传性眼病

    09-12-12 University of Iowa researchers have found the existence of a new, rare inherited retinal视网膜 disease. Now the search is on to find the genetic cause, which investigators hope will increase understanding of more common retinal diseases. The finding...

  • 研究照亮抗癌药的研制方向

    09-11-27 The copper sequestering(隔绝,隔离) drug tetrathiomolybdate(钼酸盐) (TM) has been shown in studies to be effective in the treatment of Wilson disease, a disease caused by an overload of copper, and certain metastatic cancers(性肿瘤). That much...