• 研究称英国因肥胖致癌病例数上升

    21-04-07 一项大型研究结果显示,在英国,超重或肥胖逐渐成为致癌一大要因,而因吸烟致癌的病例数正在减少。英国癌症研究所(Cancer Research UK)发现,约有三分之一的癌症病例是可预防的。他们还发现由体重超标导致的癌症所占比率已从2011年的5.5%升至现在的6.3%;而因吸烟致...

  • 皮肤拭子检查有望用于诊断帕金森病

    21-04-01 英国的科学家们表示,一项简单的皮肤拭子检查可用来帮助诊断退化性大脑疾病帕金森...

  • 我国重组新冠病毒疫苗获批上市

    21-03-03 2月25日,由中国工程院院士、军事科学院军事医学研究院研究员陈薇领衔的团队研发的我国重组新冠病毒疫苗(腺病毒载体新冠疫苗),获国家药品监督管理局附条件批准(conditional market approval)上市注册申请。 The vaccine, called Ad5-nCoV, has an efficacy rate o...

  • 韩剧热

    21-02-25 你受到韩剧热的影响了吗?韩国肥皂剧为什么广受世界各地观众的喜爱?英国人喜欢北欧犯罪片的原因又何在? It may not be a real illness but K-drama fever is sweeping Asia with as much force as an infectious disease. The latest hit show to come out of South...

  • 养狗能保护我们的心脏健康

    21-02-10 有人说养宠物对人类身心健康有好处,那么养狗真的可以让人健康长寿吗?据一项最近调查显示,狗主人患心血管疾病的可能性要远低于不养狗的人。这是为什么呢?这项调查的结果可信吗? As a dog lover, our canine companions always fill me with joy. Whether pedigree...

  • 英格兰发现新冠病毒新变种

    20-12-16 A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England. 英格兰部分地区确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快。 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infect...

  • 时常保持两分饥饿 寿命最多可增长30%

    20-12-02 Why do we eat so much? One reason is buffet lunches they need no explanation. Business dinners that last for hours also encourage people to eat too much. Dinner parties with friends are also culprits, as being in a good mood gives you an appetite. E...

  • 2050年考拉将在新南威尔士州灭绝

    20-11-17 一项调查发现,如果不采取紧急行动,到2050年,考拉将在澳大利亚新南威尔士州灭绝。去年,据澳大利亚考拉基金会(Australian Koala Foundation)的估算,澳大利亚仅剩下不到8万只考拉。 The future of the koala and what is an important home is at stake. Cate Faeh...

  • 美国将迎来“疫情的至暗时刻”

    20-10-24 Michael Osterholm, director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota said at a press: The next months will be the darkest of the pandemic. Between now and the holidays, the US will see numbers much, much...

  • 美国疾控中心修改新冠密切接触者的定义

    20-10-23 Federal health officials issued new guidance on Wednesday that greatly expands the pool of people considered at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus by changing the definition of who is a close contact of an infected individual. 美国联邦卫生官...