• 前4个月我国外贸进出口同比增长7.9%

    22-05-18 在我国外贸发展面临的外部环境更趋复杂严峻的形势下,前4个月我国外贸进出口仍然保持了增长。 Chinas total imports and exports expanded 7.9 percent year on year to 12.58 trillion yuan in the first four months of 2022, official data showed Monday. 海关总署...

  • 整点新词哭穷

    22-05-12 1. dirt-poor 极贫困的 例句:Where would the dirt-poor Tom get a hundred dollars? 汤姆这个穷光蛋到哪儿弄一百美元去? 2. Max out my credit card 刷爆了我的信用卡 例句:Shes maxed out three credit cards. 他已经刷爆了三张卡了。 3. poor as a church mouse...

  • look like a million dollars 看起来棒极了

    21-07-13 口语表达 look like a million dollars 的字面意思是看起来像一百万美元,实际上是通过金钱来比喻人的外貌或气色非常美丽,就好像那个人穿了无比奢华的衣服一样光彩照人。我们也可以省略单词 like,直接说look a million dollars,二者含义相同。 我们也可以把这个说法...

  • decacorn 十角兽

    20-09-27 Decacorn is a technology company that is less than ten years old and worth more than ten billion dollars. 十角兽就是指这种创业不到10年但市值超过百亿美元的科技公司。 Billion-dollar companies join a club of unicorns, a term used to explain how rare th...