• 2016中美直接投资创历史新高

    17-05-18 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) between China and the U.S. passed 60 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, more than any other year in history, said a report jointly released by the Rhodium Group and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR)....

  • 漫画家冒称功夫熊猫原创者被判刑

    17-05-05 An amateur cartoonist who falsely claimed to be the creator of Kung Fu Panda has been sentenced to two years in prison for fraud, according to a Guardian report. 《卫报》报道,一位业余漫画家冒称自己是功夫熊猫的创造者被法院以欺诈罪判有期徒刑两年。 Ja...

  • 41家中小企业挂牌新三板

    17-04-24 A total of 41 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were added to Chinas New Third Board over the past week, latest data showed. 最新数据显示,过去的一周共有41家中小企业被加入新三板名单。 The newcomers brought the total number of companies list...

  • 中国仍是亚洲风投的首选地

    17-04-21 China remains the top destination for venture capital (VC) investment in Asia, with 3.6 billion U.S. dollars invested in Q1, accounting firm KPMG said in a report. 毕马威会计事务所的一份报告指出,中国仍是亚洲风险投资的首选目的地,今年第一季度吸引了3...

  • 中国游客境外游花费超12%

    17-04-14 The worlds leading outbound market, China, spent 12 percent more on tourism abroad in 2016 according to preliminary data by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). 联合国世界旅游组织的初步统计数据显示,2016年全球领先出境游国家中国在境...

  • 中兴被去除美国贸易黑名单

    17-03-29 The U.S. Commerce Department says its removing Chinas largest listed telecom equipment maker ZTE from its trade blacklist. 美国商务部表示,已将中国最大的上市电信设备制造商中兴从其贸易黑名单中去除。 In a statement, it added that it would further inve...

  • 中国公司拟收购欧洲停车场运营商Q-Park

    17-03-03 Several Chinese companies are reportedly competing to buy Europes biggest parking service provider Q-Park. 据报道,几家中国公司将竞价购买欧洲最大的停车场运营商Q-Park。 Hong Kong-based Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited and Shanghai-based Fo...

  • 2016中国吸收1390亿美元外商直接投资

    17-02-08 A new UN report shows China attracted a record 139-billion US dollars in foreign direct investment last year, ranking third in the world, following only the United States and Britain. 一份联合国新报告显示,2016年中国吸收了创记录的1390亿美元外商直接...

  • 日本成美国国债最大持有国

    16-12-20 China has been replaced by Japan for the first time as the second largest holder of US treasuries in October. 今年10月中国被日本取代,首次成为美国国债第二大持有国。 China cut its treasuries holding by 41.3 billion U.S. dollars in October, with the t...

  • 中国成为世界的最大跨国并购买家

    16-12-19 China has overtaken the United States for the first time as the largest buyer of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions, or MAs, worldwide. 中国首次超过美国成为世界上最大的跨国企业并购买家。 Official data shows the volume of Chinas cross-border MAs t...