• 药物排入河流威胁全球卫生

    22-03-30 一份报告称,药物和医药产品排入世界各地河流所造成的污染 对环境和全球卫生构成威胁。 When medicine has finished making its way through your body, it doesnt just disappear. Some key ingredients may remain active as they pass down your toilet, through th...

  • 《我不是药神》8句虐心台词

    22-03-02 1. 五百。 500 hundred yuan a bottle. 2. 世界上只有一种病,就是穷...

  • long run 长期、从长远来看

    21-12-15 long run的意思可不是长跑,而是长期、从长远来看。 例句: Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run. 有时昂贵的药物或其他疗法从长远来看是省钱的。 This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run. 从长远...

  • 美国部分民众用兽药来治疗或预防新冠

    21-08-24 8月21日,美国食品药品监督管理局在社交媒体发文称,你不是马,你也不是牛,说真的,你们应该停止(服用伊维菌素)。 You are not a horse. You are not a cow, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tweeted on Saturday alongside a link to a page on their webs...

  • 为什么隐性病毒会致病

    21-04-02 科学家们发现,病毒会形成一种捉弄人的 隐性球体 以导致我们生...