• 他汀类药物能减少中风病人的感染几率

    16-06-19 A Washington State University researcher has found that statin drugs can dramatically lower the risk of infections in stroke patients. Doug Weeks, an adjunct professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine and director of research at St. Lukes R...

  • 奥巴马讲话 健康生活 走出毒瘾阴霾

    16-05-20 Hi, everybody. Ive got a special guest with me this week-Macklemore. For those of you who dont share the same love[i] for hip-hop, hes a Grammy-winning artist-but hes also an advocate whos giving voice to a disease we too often just whisper about: t...

  • 曼彻斯特机场安检犬擅长发现香肠和奶酪

    16-04-24 The canine companions of airport security staff in Manchester are quick to spot sausages and cheese in passengers luggage but are failing to sniff out class A drugs, a report has found. 一份报告指出,曼彻斯特机场安检人员的犬类同伴最擅长在乘客行李中...

  • 食用醋可有效杀灭刺冠海星

    15-09-24 James Cook University scientists in Australia have made a breakthrough in the war against a deadly enemy of the Great Barrier Reef. The Crown of Thorns Starfish (CoTS) are breeding at epidemic levels and are one of the primary reasons for the declin...

  • sweeping victory 获全胜

    15-07-15 Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more comprehensive and coordinated efforts to combat drugs, vowing that there would be no rest until a sweeping victory . 中国国家主席习近平呼吁全面加强禁毒工作,强化禁毒合作,并承诺不获全胜决不收兵。 获全胜可...

  • 他汀类药物似乎不会造成短期失忆

    15-06-15 Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs most likely do not cause short-term memory loss, according to a Rutgers University and University of Pennsylvania study of nearly one million patients - contrary to prior assertions. Limited previous studies and som...

  • 出国旅游需要注意的法律

    15-04-10 Netherlands : Don't carry or use drugs. While the Netherlands has a reputation for being tolerant on the use of so-called soft drugs, this exists only for designated areas. Possession of prohibited substances or buying them can carry a prison senten...

  • 英国不法分子用无人机向监狱投运毒品

    15-04-04 The device was spotted by guards at HMP Bedford after it crash landed into razor wire on top of the prison walls in the first incident of its kind. 无人机撞墙后跌落到高墙上的铁丝网上,被贝尔福德女王监狱的警卫发现。这是史上首次无人机偷运事件。 Guards...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录3

    15-03-10 The entertainment community should condemn any performer who uses drugs. A number of famous actors and singers were found to have taken drugs last year, and such behavior has a bad effect on them and the entertainment community. Entertainers should...

  • 人体内细菌是丰富的药物资源

    14-09-15 Bacteria that normally live in and upon us have genetic blueprints that enable them to make thousands of molecules that act like drugs, and some of these molecules might serve as the basis for new human therapeutics, according to UC San Francisco re...