• 摩洛哥运动员药检不合格被禁赛

    12-07-26 Moroccan 1500m runner Mariem Alaoui Selsouli has failed a drugs test and will miss the London Olympics. 摩洛哥1500米跑运动员Mariem Alaoui Selsouli未能通过兴奋剂检测,因此无缘伦敦奥运会。 Selsouli, who won silver at this year's World Indoor Champions...

  • 美墨边境发现两条走私毒品隧道

    12-07-13 Two sophisticated tunnels probably built to smuggle drugs into the United States have been found on the border with Mexico. 美国与墨西哥边境交汇处发现两条复杂的隧道,这可能是为毒品走私而建造的。 The tunnels were more than 200m (656ft) long and had l...

  • i-Dosing 数码毒品

    12-07-09 This is the world of i-Dosing , the new craze sweeping the Internet in which teenagers used so-called digital drugs (music) to change their brains in the same way as real-life narcotics. 数码毒品(i-Dosing)是席卷互联网的一个新潮流。青少年网民用所谓...

  • 美国将禁售毒品“浴盐”

    12-06-16 A Delaware senator praised pending legislation proposing a nationwide ban on bath salts, a dangerous synthetic drug that's on the rise in the United States and might have led to the recent attack in Miami where a man allegedly ate off 80 percent of...

  • unnatural death 非自然死亡

    12-06-11 Experts are encouraging authorities to publish more information about unnatural deaths of government officials, including those who killed themselves after suffering from depression. 专家敦促政府公布更多有关官员非自然死亡的信息,包括患有抑郁症而自杀...

  • 未被合成的有用药物多如牛毛

    12-06-07 A new voyage into chemical space -- occupied not by stars and planets but substances that could become useful in everyday life -- has concluded that scientists have synthesized barely one tenth of 1 percent of the potential medicines that could be m...

  • 利用高分子改善蛋白质

    12-05-22 Proteins are widely used as drugs -- insulin for diabetics(糖尿病) is the best known example -- and as reagents(试剂) in research laboratories, but they react poorly to fluctuations in temperature and are known to degrade in storage. Because of...

  • 快速检测婴儿食品中的残留兽药

    12-05-21 The quantities are very small, but in milk powder and in meat-based baby food, residues(剩余物) of drugs given to livestock were found. Researchers from the University of Almeria (Spain) have developed a system to analyse these substances quickly...

  • 荷兰咖啡馆或禁向外国游客开放

    12-04-27 A judge in the Netherlands is due to decide whether foreign tourists should be banned from entering cannabis cafes. 荷兰一位法官正在裁决是否禁止外国游客进入咖啡馆。 While soft drugs are tolerated, there is growing concern at tourists visiting just f...

  • 墨西哥警方缴获25万发走私子弹

    12-04-19 Mexican police say they have seized more than 250,000 bullets that were being smuggled into the country from the US. 墨西哥警方称,他们缴获了25万多发从美国走私入境的子弹。 Mexico wants the US to restrict the flow of weapons and ammunition across the...