• 皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半

    20-11-21 英国医生们说,十年前皮肤癌被认为是不治之症,但现在,超过半数的患者都可以活下来。 There has been a staggering transformation in the treatment of melanoma. Ten years ago the disease was considered untreatable once it had spread round the body. People...

  • 剑桥大学研究用冷水治疗失智症的可能性

    20-11-17 剑桥大学的研究人员发现,在冷水中游泳可以保护大脑免受失智症等退行性疾病的伤害。研究人员在一些经常参加户外冬泳的人血液中发现了一种 冷休克(cold-shock) 蛋白,此发现属世界首次。 The team has already shown that the protein can slow the onset of dementia...

  • 中国将更多抗癌药纳入医疗保险报销

    19-03-14 China is considering adding more anti-cancer drugs to its list of medicines eligible for medical insurance reimbursement, in an effort to reduce the burden on patients. 中国正在考虑将更多的抗癌药加入医疗保险报销名单,以减轻病人的负担。 Apart from ca...

  • 国内各大医院铺货新抗癌药

    19-01-11 The latest 17 cancer drugs included in Chinas national basic medical insurance program in October are now available in more than half of all major hospitals in the country, Fridays China Daily reported. 《中国日报》周五报道,十月加入国家基本医疗保险...

  • 国家医保局:17种抗癌药物纳入医保报销目录

    18-10-10 China has included 17 cancer drugs on the medical insurance list, the countrys state medical insurance administration announced on Wednesday. 中国国家医保局周三宣布,将17种抗癌药物纳入医保报销目录。 The price of the 17 drugs dropped 56.7 percent ave...

  • 中国抗疟药治愈3亿非洲人

    18-04-18 China has aided African countries with 50 million batches of the anti-malaria drug artemisinin, which have cured over 300 million Africans suffering from malaria, according to Chinas Ministry of Commerce. 中国商务部表示,中国已援助非洲国家5000万批抗...

  • 中国将免除所有癌症药物的进口关税

    18-04-13 China will exempt import tariffs on all cancer drugs and encourage the import of more innovative drugs, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday. 李克强总理周四...

  • 中国科学家成功合成灯盏花素

    18-02-06 Chinese scientists have successfully synthesized breviscapine, an extract from a Chinese herb that can cure cardio-cerebrovascular disease, according to Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中国科学家成功合成灯盏花素一种可以至于心脑血管疾病的中药提取物。 Br...

  • 英国专家警告:给孩子手机堪比给他们可卡因

    17-07-03 Giving your child a smartphone is like giving them a gram of cocaine, a top addiction therapist has warned. 一位顶级的成瘾治疗师警告说,给孩子一部智能手机就好像给他们一克可卡因。 Time spent messaging friends on Snapchat and Instagram can be just as...

  • 新药物帮助艾滋病患者延寿10年

    17-05-12 The life expectancy of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Europe and the United States has been boosted by a decade since anti-AIDS drugs became available in the mid-1990s, researchers said on Thursday. 研究人员周四表示,20世...