• 研究人员培育出夜光兔

    13-08-19 As part of an effort to improve treatments for life-threatening illnesses, a team of scientists have created rabbits that glow in the dark. 伊斯坦布尔和夏威夷大学的研究人员培育出能在黑暗中发光的兔子。 The glowing effect was created by injecting jell...

  • 抗抑郁药可能给胎儿带来伤害

    13-06-24 The risk posed by some popular antidepressants in early pregnancy is not worth taking for women with mild to moderate depression, an expert has warned. 一位专家警告,某些常用抗抑郁药对患有轻至中度抑郁症的女性在怀孕初期所带来的危险使它们不值得服用。...

  • 甘露醇可用于治疗帕金森症

    13-06-19 Mannitol(甘露醇) , a sugar alcohol produced by fungi, bacteria, and algae, is a common component of sugar-free gum and candy. The sweetener is also used in the medical field -- it's approved by the FDA as a diuretic(利尿剂) to flush out excess f...

  • 药物的副作用不可避免

    13-05-21 A new study of both computer-created and natural proteins suggests that the number of unique pockets -- sites where small molecule pharmaceutical compounds can bind to proteins -- is surprisingly small, meaning drug side effects may be impossible to...

  • 研究人员发现导致心力衰竭的关键因素

    13-03-14 Some 5.8 million Americans suffer from heart failure, a currently incurable disease. But scientists at Temple University School of Medicine's (TUSM) Center for Translational Medicine have discovered a key biochemical step underlying the condition th...

  • 麻醉药如何使大脑失去知觉

    13-03-05 Since the mid-1800s, doctors have used drugs to induce general anesthesia(全身麻醉) in patients undergoing surgery. Despite their widespread use, little is known about how these drugs create such a profound loss of consciousness. In a new study th...

  • 法国允许辅助自杀

    13-02-18 法国医学道德委员会近日通过一项规定,称病人在神志清醒的情况下坚决、反复要求结束生命时,应允许对其施行辅助自杀。由此,法国在安乐死合法化进程中又迈进了一步。 France's medical ethics council moved a step closer to legalizing euthanasia(安乐死) by ruli...

  • 曝气塘可除去污水中大部分化学药物

    13-02-18 2012 marked the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, which established regulations for the discharge of pollutants to waterways and supported the building of sewage treatment plants. Despite these advances, sewage remains a major source of pharm...

  • 惠特尼·休斯顿或死于毒贩谋杀

    12-12-31 好莱坞私家侦探保罗休博日前声称惠特尼休斯顿死于谋杀。他表示,惠特尼因吸毒欠下高级危险毒贩高达150万美元的债务。他掌握的视频证据显示,今年2月11日,惠特尼在希尔顿酒店期间,毒贩派两人来收债,惠特尼或因两人袭击致死。 Whitney Houston was murdered, accordin...

  • 土壤中发现以抗生素为食的虫子

    12-12-10 It's well known how bacteria exposed to antibiotics for long periods will find ways to resist the drugs -- by quickly pumping them out of their cells, for instance, or modifying the compounds so they're no longer toxic. Now new research has uncovere...