• 科学家改良检测有害化学物的方法

    12-11-21 Scientists at Imperial College London have developed a system to quickly detect trace amounts(微量) of chemicals like pollutants, explosives or illegal drugs. The new system can pick out a single target molecule from 10,000 trillion water molecule...

  • 专家号召全球性打击假药

    12-11-14 A global treaty to crack down on the deadly trade of fake medicines is urgently needed, say experts. 专家称,打击假药销售的全球性协议迫切需要达成。 Currently, there are more sanctions around the use of illegal tobacco than counterfeit drugs(假药)...

  • overuse of antibiotics 抗生素滥用

    12-11-13 China's health authority on Tuesday announced plans to further curb the overuse of antibiotics , including setting caps for the variety and use ratio of antibiotics, and punishing doctors found to misuse antibiotics. 卫生部出台计划进一步抑制抗生素滥...

  • 缅甸罂粟种植面积不断增长

    12-10-31 Opium growing has increased in Burma for a sixth year, a UN report says. 一份联合国报告称,缅甸鸦片的种植量已连续六年增长。 Burma accounts for 25% of opium grown in the world The UN Office on Drugs and Crime said land used for opium had risen by 17%...

  • 意多城市空气中含毒品成分

    12-10-27 最近一项针对意大利八大城市空气成分的检测研究指出,各城市空气中都含有不同程度的可卡因和大麻成分,其中都灵空气中的毒品含量最高,佛罗伦萨空气中的大麻含量较高,而巴勒莫空气中的毒品含量最少。 A study of eight major metropolitan(大都市的) hubs in Italy,...

  • 情暖今生

    12-09-28 It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm fleecy(羊毛状的) robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital. I was staring at the 59th Street Bridge. It was as sparkling and beautiful as a Christmas...

  • 墨西哥头号毒枭落网

    12-09-27 One of the world's most wanted drugs traffickers has been arrested, Mexico's security forces say. 墨西哥安全部队称,世界上头号毒品通缉犯之一已经落网。 Police say Ivan Velazquez Caballero, known both as El Taliban and as Z-50, is the commander of the...

  • 美国药监局对兰蔻产品发出警告

    12-09-17 美国食品药品监督管理局日前对法国欧莱雅集团发出警告,要求其下属的兰蔻美国分公司停止在兰蔻系列护肤品广告中使用类似药品功效的描述语言。 Regulators warned L'Oreal, the world's biggest cosmetics(化妆品) group, to stop advertising skincare products usin...

  • 抗艾药物模型能预测抗药性与突变

    12-09-04 Pooling data from thousands of tests of the antiviral activity of more than 20 commonly used anti-HIV drugs, AIDS experts at Johns Hopkins and Harvard universities have developed what they say is the first accurate computer simulation to explain dru...

  • 梦露死于他杀?

    12-08-04 When movie goddess Marilyn Monroe's naked body was found on her bed at her Hollywood home, it was assumed she had killed herself. 当电影女神玛丽莲-梦露被发现裸死在位于好莱坞家中的床上时,人们猜测她死于自杀。 Devastated by tangled affairs with Americ...