• in the bag 稳了

    22-04-19 in the bag 这个短语大家一定不陌生,它本身有两个意思: 1. 字面意思,就是在袋子里、在包里的意思。比如我们可以说:I put some clothes and books in the bag. 我把一些衣服和书本放包里了。 2. 另外一个意思,表示十拿九稳、稳操胜券。其实就是从字面意思引申过来...

  • be in the bag 十拿九稳

    22-02-17 十拿九稳,汉语成语,指十成的几率,占了九成,形容做事很有把握。可以翻译为be in the bag,have something well in hand等。 例句: 看到他受欢迎的样子,他们觉得他当选是十拿九稳的。 Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that...

  • 香港第七届立法会选举投票顺利结束

    21-12-20 香港特别行政区第七届立法会选举投票于12月19日约23时顺利结束。这是完善选举制度后香港特区举行的首次立法会选举。 With voters casting their ballots at more than 600 polling stations, 90 lawmakers for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions seventh L...

  • white-hot 白热化

    21-11-19 白热化,原指物体受热达到白炽(glowing white with heat)的状态,现在比喻竞争、局势发展到最激烈的阶段(in the heat of the battle),可翻译为white-hot,例如:竞争趋于白热化(Competition is turning white-hot)。 例句: 争论达到了白热化的程度。 The debat...

  • shoo-in 稳操胜券的人

    21-08-13 A shoo-in 可用来形容对于胜利十拿九稳的人或团队。注意:单词 shoo 的发音同 shoe 鞋子 一样。 例句 Rachel thought shed be a shoo-in for a promotion within the company. After such a successful role, the actor was a shoo-in for an award nomination. Hes a...

  • feel exhilarated 心潮澎湃

    21-06-30 心潮澎湃,汉语成语,意思是心里像浪潮翻腾,形容心情十分激动,不能平静。可以翻译为feel an upsurge of emotions,feel exhilarated等。 例句: 她因选举获胜而心潮澎湃,夜不成眠。 She stayed awake all night, exhilarated by her election victory. 初吻令人心潮...

  • be sure to win 稳操胜券

    21-06-21 稳操胜券,汉语成语,比喻有充分的把握取得胜利。可以翻译为success is within ones grasp,be sure to win或have full assurance of success。 例句: 我们上半场射进三球后就已经稳操胜券。 The three goals we scored in the first half gave us a useful cushion a...