• 津巴布韦现任总统姆南加古瓦获连任

    18-08-03 Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) declared early Friday that current President Emmerson Mnangagwa has won the nations presidential election. 津巴布韦选举委员会周五宣布,现任总统埃默森姆南加古瓦在大选中获胜。 According to the counting result, Mnang...

  • 特朗普前竞选经理涉嫌欺诈受审

    18-08-02 Paul Manafort, former chairman of Donald Trumps presidential election campaign team, went on trial on charges of bank and tax fraud Tuesday. 特朗普总统选举竞选团队前经理保罗马纳福特周二因涉嫌银行和税务欺诈受审。 He became the first member of Trumps...

  • 俄大选普京获胜已成定势

    18-03-19 Incumbent Russian President Vladimir Putin was set to win Sundays presidential election as he got 75.91 percent of the vote after 70 percent of the ballots were counted, preliminary data from the Central Election Commission (CEC) showed. 俄中央选举...

  • 俄罗斯总统大选已开始

    18-03-18 Russian citizens living in the countrys easternmost regions of Kamchatka and Chukotka, began casting ballots to vote for the next president on Sunday. 本周日,生活在俄罗斯最东部堪察加和楚科塔地区的民众已开始投票选举下届总统。 As Russias vast territo...

  • 肯尼亚正进行总统选举

    17-08-10 About 19.6 million Kenyans are flocking to more than 40,000 polling stations across the nation to cast ballots for the election of the countrys next president on Tuesday. 本周二,大约1960万肯尼亚人聚集到全国40000多个投票站为下任总统投票。 Eight cand...

  • 印度开始总统选举

    17-07-17 Indias presidential election began Monday. 本周一印度开始进行总统选举。 Voting began at 10:00 a.m. local time and will end at 5:00 p.m. local time. A total of 4,896 lawmakers across the country - parliamentarians and legislators - are eligible to vo...

  • “巨石”强森可以参加2020美国大选

    17-07-13 Dwayne The Rock Johnson is now officially eligible for the 2020 U.S. election. 巨石道恩强森现在已经可以参加2020美国大...

  • 英国首相特蕾莎·梅重组内阁

    17-06-12 British Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday reshuffled her cabinet after losing her parliamentary majority in the national election last week. 英国首相特蕾莎梅上周在全国大选中失去议会多数席位,导致她在周日重组内阁。 The new cabinet took shape just...

  • 默克尔所在政党获关键州选举胜利

    17-05-15 Exit polls showed on Sunday that German Chancellor Angela Merkels Chrisitian Democratic Union(CDU) won North Rhine-Westphalia state election. 周天的民意调查显示,德国总理默克尔所在的基督教民主联盟获北莱茵-威斯特法伦州选举胜利。 According to initial...

  • 文在寅:在合适的时机将会访问朝鲜

    17-05-10 President Moon Jae-in of South Korea said Wednesday he will visit Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), under right conditions. 韩国总统文在寅周三表示在合适的时机他将会访问朝鲜首都平壤。 Moon was sworn in as the coun...