• 伊朗驻黎巴嫩大使馆遭两起炸弹袭击

    13-11-20 At least 22 people have been killed and more than 140 injured in a double suicide bombing outside the Iranian embassy in the Lebanese capital Beirut. 位于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的伊朗大使馆发生两起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少22人死亡、140多人受伤。 The Iranian cul...

  • 德国驻也门大使馆一雇员被枪杀

    13-10-07 A German embassy employee in Yemen has been shot dead, reports say. 德国驻也门大使馆的一位雇员被枪杀。 The attack took place outside a supermarket in the capital's Hadda district, where the German and other foreign embassies are located. The victim...

  • 美国削减黎波里大使馆员工数

    12-09-28 The United States is temporarily removing further staff from its embassy in the Libyan capital, the state department has said. 美国国务院称,将进一步削减在利比亚首都的大使馆的员工人数。 It said staff were being withdrawn from Tripoli for security re...

  • 美国驻利比亚大使馆遭炸弹破坏

    12-06-07 A bomb went off outside the US embassy offices in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi Tuesday night, causing minor damage to its main gate. 一颗炸弹在位于利比亚东部城市班加西的美国大使馆办公室附近爆炸,使其大门遭到轻微破坏。 A US embassy official in...

  • 英国撤回驻伊朗外交官

    11-11-30 Britain is withdrawing its diplomats from Iran following the attack on its embassy in the capital, Tehran, on Tuesday, diplomatic sources say. 英国外交人士称,驻伊朗大使馆在周二被袭击,因此将召回所有外交官。 A first group of embassy staff are report...

  • 墨西哥女孩绝食求威廉王子婚礼请柬

    11-02-19 为获得英国威廉王子与准王妃凯特的王室婚礼请柬,一名19岁的墨西哥女孩竟然在英国驻墨西哥城大使馆前进行绝食抗议。 A Mexican teenager is staging(表演,展现) a hunger strike outside the British Embassy in Mexico City in a bid to secure an invitation to t...

  • 意大利驻伊朗大使馆遭袭

    10-02-10 Dozens of people including pro-government militia have tried to attack Italy's embassy in Iran, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini says. 意大利外交部长弗兰克弗拉蒂尼称,包括前政府武装人员在内的几十个人企图攻击伊朗境内的意大利大使馆。 Basij mil...

  • Hondurans surround Brazil embassy 洪都拉斯前总统支持者汇集巴

    09-09-23 Honduran security forces are patrolling the area around Brazil's embassy in the capital after clashes with supporters of ousted president Manuel Zelaya. 洪都拉斯首都巴西大使馆附近,被流放总统Manuel Zelaya的支持者与安全保卫部队发生冲突之后,安保部队...

  • No boob jobs, please, we're British 隆胸女求助大使馆 惹恼英

    09-08-16 Along with tips on jam-making and how best to discipline naughty boys, these are just a few of the bonkers requests being fired at British embassies around the world, the Foreign Office said Thursday. Help! I've just had my breasts enlarged and I do...

  • Iran bails UK embassy employee 伊朗保释英国大使馆雇员

    09-07-20 Iran has released on bail the last of the British embassy employees arrested in Tehran in connection with last month's election protests. 伊朗已释放上月德黑兰选举抗议活动中逮捕的现已被保释的英国大使馆雇员。 The election sparked weeks of protests by...