• 悬疑犯罪影片《城市之光》9月30日上映

    17-06-05 Chinese suspense crime film The Liquidator has been given a release date of September 30 this year. 中国悬疑犯罪影片《城市之光》将于今年9月30日上映。 It tells the story of a series of murders carried out by a self-styled vigilante called Jiang Ya, w...

  • mockumentary 伪纪录片

    17-06-02 Mockumentary is a fictional film that is in the style of a documentary and pretends to be a documentary. 伪纪录片是指仿照纪录片,并以纪录片的风格拍摄的虚构电影。 Mockumentary (also known as mock documentary) is a genre of film and television in whic...

  • 美国影院《神奇女侠》放映会 只限女性参加的

    17-05-28 With Wonder Woman fast approaching cinemas -- and with good first reactions to boot -- many fans are growing increasingly excited for the DC film. 《神奇女侠》很快将在各影院上线,再加上首波放映反响不俗,许多粉丝对DC漫画公司的这部电影越来越期待。 The...

  • 《妈妈咪呀:再次出发》2018年7月上映

    17-05-24 Ten years after the release of Mamma Mia, studio executives are taking a chance on the sequel to the smash musical hit. 《妈妈咪呀》上映十年后,制作方大胆拍摄续集,企图再掀音乐片热潮。 Super troupers Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan, an...

  • 第7届中法电影节开幕

    17-05-17 The 7th China-France Film Festival on Monday opened on Champs Elysees. 第7届中法电影节当地时间周一在香榭丽舍大街开幕。 Directed by Xue Xiaolu, Finding Mr. Right II served as the opening movie. Xue and the leading actor Wu Xiubo attended the ceremony...

  • 《神奇女侠》6月2日中国北美同步上映

    17-05-11 The highly anticipated Wonder Woman will be released in theaters in China and North America on June 2. 倍受关注的《神奇女侠》将于6月2日在中国和北美影院同步上映。 The cast and production crew will arrive in Shanghai next Monday to promote the story f...

  • 李小龙传记电影今夏开拍

    17-05-09 A biographical film on the boyhood of martial artist Bruce Lee is going to begin shooting this summer. 一部关于武术家李小龙童年的电影将在今年夏天开始拍摄。 Titled Little Dragon, the film is set in Hong Kong dating back to the 1950s, where Lee grew u...

  • 言情电影《喜欢你》票房破1亿

    17-05-03 Actress Zhou Dongyus latest work This is not what I expected has exceeded the 100 millions yuan threshold in box office sales after hitting screens on April 27. 周冬雨最新作品《喜欢你》4月27日上映以来票房突破1亿大关。 The high grossing film is rated...

  • 速9还会搞出什么大动作?

    17-04-23 It really is only natural that Dom and his crew head to space. 唐老大和他的飞车党飙到宇宙也不稀奇。 One of the great joys of the Fast and the Furious franchise has been watching the filmmakers top themselves in each entry with car-driven action. The...

  • 中国将主办金砖国家电影节

    17-04-20 The 2017 BRICS Film Festival will be held in Chengdu, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province from June 23 to 27, according to a press release Wednesday. 2017年金砖国家电影节将于6月23日至27日在四川成都举行。 There will be 30 films from BRICS countries (Br...