• 《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》今夏上映

    17-04-20 The fifth installment of the Hollywood live-action Transformers film series, Transformers: The Last Knight, will hit the worlds screens this summer. 《变形金刚》真人系列电影第五部《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》将于今夏登上全球荧屏。 Paramount Pictures sai...

  • 惠英红三夺香港电影金像奖影后

    17-04-10 The 36th Hong Kong Film Awards were handed out on Sunday night. Hong Kong performers Lam Ka Tung and Kara Wai won Best Actor and Best Actress respectively. 第36届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼上周日晚在香港举行,香港演员林家栋与惠英红分获最佳男女主角。 Lam...

  • 郭德纲与憨豆先生亮相《欢乐喜剧人》首映式

    17-03-24 Rowan Atkinson dusted off his world famous Mr Bean character today at the premiere of his latest film which is only released in China. 罗温艾金森再次以憨豆先生的形象亮相其新片首映式。这是一部仅在中国上映的电影。 The film titled Top Funny Comedian is...

  • 《美女与野兽》可能在俄罗斯被禁映

    17-03-13 Russian officials are coming under pressure to check if Disneys new film Beauty and the Beast breaches the countrys law against gay propaganda. 俄罗斯官员将被要求审查迪士尼新电影《美女与野兽》是否触犯了该国禁止同性恋宣传的法律。 Culture Minister Vla...

  • 《长城》2.17将在美国上映

    17-02-09 After raking in nearly 1.2 billion yuan at the Chinese box office so far, China-US co-production The Great Wall is set for a US release next Friday, February 17, 2017. 中美联合拍摄的影片《长城》将于2月17日下周五在美国上映,该片在中国已收获近12亿元票...

  • 2017香港电影金像奖宣布入围名单

    17-02-08 This years Hong Kong Film Award has announced its nominees, and love story Soul Mate has become a runaway favorite, topping the list with 12 nominations. 2017年香港电影金像奖宣布入围名单,爱情小说《七月与安生》获12项提名排名第一。 Recognitions for t...

  • 首部IMAX 3D熊猫纪录片在中国开拍

    17-01-11 Panda lovers can expect more spectacular views of the bear in cinemas as the first IMAX 3D panda documentary began filming on Tuesday in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 首部IMAX 3D版熊猫纪录片本周二在中国四川省开机拍摄,熊猫爱好者们将在电影院中看...

  • 中国超过美国 已有40917张电影银幕

    16-12-22 There are 40,917 film screens in Chinese mainland cinemas as of December 20, according to the film bureau of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) Tuesday. 国家广播电影电视总局周二表示,截止12月20日中国大...

  • 马特·达蒙:《长城》中饰演的角色并没有“洗白”

    16-12-10 Matt Damon criticised outrageous stories in the era of fake news as he responded on Tuesday to accusations his role in the new China-Hollywood co-production The Great Wall should have gone to an Asian actor. 近日,马特达蒙在中国与好莱坞联合制作的电...

  • 宫崎骏将复出制作一部三维电脑动画

    16-11-26 Hayao Miyazaki knows the world needs him right now. Hes heard our call. 宫崎骏知道现在世界需要他。他也听到了影迷们的呼唤。 The Studio Ghibli co-founder and director will step out of retirement to make one final project, one which would be his first...