• 艾玛·沃森版《美女与野兽》海报曝光

    16-11-07 Disney fans, rejoice: Emma Watson will definitely be donning a version of Belles much-loved sunshine-hued ballgown in the studios forthcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast adaptation. 迪士尼的粉丝们,欢呼吧:艾玛沃森将在迪士尼工作室即将推出的真人...

  • 漫威之父将打造新超级英雄猴王

    16-10-06 Marvel Comics great Stan Lee is to enter the Chinese film market by co-creating a new superhero movie character, Monkey Master. 美国漫威之父斯坦李宣布将合作打造新超级英雄猴王,以此进军中国电影市...

  • 《唐顿庄园》可能将拍电影版

    16-10-05 The long-rumored movie version of hit show Downton Abbey looks ever more likely as one of the actors has appeared to confirm the involvement of Maggie Smith in such a project. 之前一直有传言称大热英剧《唐顿庄园》要拍电影版,最近,该剧的一名演员隐约...

  • 成龙获奥斯卡终身成就奖

    16-09-05 Veteran Chinese actor Jackie Chan is going to receive a lifetime achievement Oscar. 中国老牌演员成龙将获奥斯卡终身成就奖。 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced that the 62-year-old will join documentary maker Frederick Wisem...

  • 第73届威尼斯电影节开幕

    16-09-01 The 73rd edition of the worlds oldest film festival is now underway. 世界最古老的电影节第73届威尼斯电影节已开幕。 This years Venice Film Festival has kicked off with a gala ceremony and the world premiere of the film La La Land. The musical, a drama...

  • 《罗曼蒂克消亡史》发布新海报

    16-09-01 An upcoming thriller film The Wasted Times, which gathers a number of A-list stars including actor Ge You, director-actor Zhao Baogang, actresses Zhang Ziyi and Yuan Quan, has recently released posters disclosing each single role in the movie. 一部...

  • 2016全球演员收入排行榜 成龙第二

    16-08-30 Chinese film star Jackie Chan has been listed as the second highest-paid actor in the world in 2016, according to Forbes magazines annual list of the worlds highest-paid actors. 福布斯杂志公布2016全球演员收入排行榜,中国影星成龙排名第二。 Dwayne Joh...

  • 《一句顶一万句》11.11上映

    16-08-30 Veteran Chinese writer Liu Zhenyuns novel A Sentence is Worth Thousands has recently been adapted for the big screen. 中国资深作家刘震云的小说《一句顶一万句》近期已经被改编成电影。 The new film called Someone to Talk to is scheduled to hit theatres...

  • 万达或将收购好莱坞两家电影公司

    16-08-24 Chinas richest man Wang Jianlin says his Dalian Wanda Group will seal two massive film-related deals in the US this year. 中国首富王健林表示,今年万达集团将在美国签署两项与电影相关的重要协议。 Details of the deals are not immediately known, but Wand...

  • 《比利·林恩的中场战事》将在纽约电影节上首映

    16-08-23 Director Ang Lees highly-anticipated film-Billy Lynns Long Halftime Walk is set to make its world premiere at the New York Film Festival. 李安导演广收关注的电影《比利林恩的中场战事》将在纽约电影节上进行首映。 The film will debut on October. 14 in a...