• 《我们诞生在中国》8月12日萌动上映

    16-07-11 A new Disney-nature film, Born in China, is scheduled to hit big screens around China on August 12th. 迪斯尼一部新自然生态电影《我们诞生在中国》将于8月12日萌动上映。 Born in China, or Wo Men Dan Sheng Zai Zhong Guo in Chinese, uses real animals, inc...

  • Angelababy与井柏然领衔主演《微微一笑很倾城》

    16-07-11 Chinese model-actress Angelababy and young actor Jing Boran have co-starred again in an upcoming romance film Love O2O. 中国模特兼演员Angelababy与井柏然在一场即将上映的浪漫电影《微微一笑很倾城》中再次合作。 Their earliest cooperation dated back to 2...

  • 七月最新影片一览

    16-07-07 Ghostbusters This female-led reboot attracted criticism well before the film was even madewith its co-writer Kate Dippold telling The Telegraph that They said it was the worst movie ever before Id written a word.When the original film came out 32 ye...

  • 《太阳的后裔》将被改编成电影

    16-06-30 A 2016 South Korean television series Descendants of the Sun will embrace a film version in China. 一部韩国电视剧《太阳的后裔》在中国将被拍成电影。 Famous Chinese director Zhang Yibai is appointed to supervise the production of the upcoming film. I...

  • 2016中英电影节在伦敦举行

    16-06-28 This years China-Britain Film Festival is underway in London. 2016中英电影节正在英国举行。 Its also designed to try to increase cooperation between the Chinese and UK film industries. First held in 2013, the annual China International Film Festival...

  • 《忍者神龟2》演员将到中国宣传

    16-06-23 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 will hit screen in China in about one week. 《忍者神龟2》大约将于一周内登陆中国影院。 One of the stars, Stephen Amell will arrive in China on Sunday to promote the film. An interview and video released yesterday shows...

  • 陈羽凡为《赏金猎人》唱片尾曲

    16-06-23 Chen Yufan, a member of the Chinese soft rock duet Yu Quan has recently joined the promotion of an upcoming film Bounty Hunters by singing a trailer song with popular South Korean singer-actor Lee Min-ho. 中国慢摇滚组合羽泉成员陈羽凡近期与韩国人气歌...

  • 《惊天魔盗团2》本周五上映

    16-06-23 The sequel of Now You See Me is scheduled to arrive in Chinese cinemas this Friday. 《惊天魔盗团》续集将于本周五登陆中国各大影院。 Taiwan pop star Jay Chou was also making his global mark in this film by both being cast in Lionsgates sequel Now You...

  • 《魔兽》中国首映日票房4600万美元

    16-06-10 Fantasy film Warcraft has opened in China, delivering the biggest opening day ever for a non-holiday release in the worlds second largest movie market. 魔幻电影《魔兽》已在中国上映,在这个世界上第二大电影市场创造了非节假日时期最大规模的首映日。 Tick...

  • 周杰伦将演唱《惊天魔盗团2》主题曲

    16-06-02 Taiwan pop star Jay Chou is taking his talents to the Hollywood silver screen by being cast in Lionsgates sequel Now You See Me 2. He will play a magician named Li. 台湾巨星周杰伦将在狮门公司《惊天魔盗团2》中扮演一位名字为李的魔术师。 Jay Chou will...