• 怎么祝人家好运

    17-04-12 1. Best of luck 不要纠结于是不是最好的运气了,这个短语就是在祝你好运。 例:Were sorry that youre leaving. Best of luck to you in your new job. 真遗憾你要走了,祝你新工作一切顺利。 2. Keep ones fingers crossed 祝人家好运,希望事情顺利时,歪果仁常常会...

  • Staring Me In The Face <2>

    16-04-21 Someone he knew? Yeah. Could be strategy. Maybe he fancies you. Fancies me? But hes old. Only old enough to be your father. I grabbed my tray and left the table. I didnt do much work that afternoon. I kept wishing Mark hadnt said what he had said. O...

  • My Sister's Fingers 我妹妹的手指头

    14-03-12 Teacher: Kevin, why are you late this time? Kevin: Please sir, I bruised(擦伤) two fingers knocking in a nail at home. Teacher: I don't see any bandages. Kevin: Oh, they weren't my fingers! I told my little sister to hold the nail. 老师:凯温,这...

  • “体无完肤”的翻译

    13-04-17 原文: 咬得体无完肤,抓得指无余力。(钱钟书 - 《围城》 ) 译文: He was bitten till there wasn't one piece of skin left whole, and he plucked till his fingers went limp. (美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao 译 Fortress Besieged) 翻译笔记: 体无完肤在汉语...

  • 《冬天的骨头》四

    12-02-01 影片对白 April: You know me and Jessup quit keeping company a good while ago. Ree: I figured. I thought you might still know a thing or two. April: I'm kind of afraid I might. I wish I could kick back for this one, Ree. Ree: You still bad on the bot...

  • Telefingers gloves 触屏专用手套

    11-10-26 Telefingers gloves are touch sensitive gloves that are made by threading the thumbs, pointer fingers and middle fingers with conductive material,they allow wearers to use touchscreen devices while keeping their hands warm. Telefingers gloves(触屏...

  • 完美实现吉他与电脑的互连

    11-07-12 Rapidly, but expressively and with amazing ease, the guitarist's fingers move over the strings on the neck of the instrument. His fingertips move up and down and a vibrato(颤音) resonates. From the guitar a cable leads to a laptop, which records t...

  • Butterfingers 黄油手

    11-06-14 Butterfingers refer to a clumsy person, especially one who tends to drop things. During the World Cup, the term refers ironically to those clumsy goalkeepers prone to let shots slip through their hands as if they had applied butter to their fingers....

  • 男性无名指长度影响对异形吸引力

    11-04-23 Forget witty chat-up lines and splashing on the aftershave. It appears the secret of a mans attractiveness to the opposite sex lies in his hands. 忘了那些风趣的搭讪和须后水吧,看来男人对异性吸引力的秘诀在于他的手中。 Men whose ring fingers are longe...

  • When people began to eat with the fork

    09-10-28 Fingers were made before forks.When a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying. The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating wi...