• 2019-2020全球经济增长将保持3%

    19-01-22 The global economy will continue to grow at a steady pace of around 3 percent in 2019 and 2020, the United Nations said Monday. 联合国周一表示,2019年与2020年全球经济将以3%的速度平稳增长。 However, a worrisome combination of development challenges c...

  • 李彦宏位列全球AI领导人前三

    18-12-12 Li Yanhong, CEO of Chinas top search engine Baidu, has been ranked in the top three of a list of global AI influencers, the only Chinese business leader to be included on the ranking, released by Harvard Business Review. 《哈佛商业评论》发表的文章显...

  • 中国呼吁G20成员国维护自由贸易

    18-12-01 Economic globalization is the trend of the times, and efforts should be made to safeguard global free trade and the multilateral trade system, Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday. 中国商务部周四表示,经济全球化是大势所趋,全球自由贸易秩...

  • 中国将进口2.5万亿美元的服务项目

    18-11-07 China is projecting that it will import over two-point-five trillion U.S. dollars in services over the next five years, in an effort to spur high-quality development and economic growth. 中国计划在未来五年内进口2.5万亿美元的服务项目,以促进经济的高...

  • 驻英大使:中欧应联合反对贸易保护主义

    18-03-29 Chinese Ambassador to Britain on Wednesday said that Europe and China should stand together against protectionism, stressing that recent measures by the United States risk triggering a trade war and hampering global growth. 中国驻英国大使周三表示,...

  • 巨大冰山已从南极洲断裂

    17-07-14 One of the biggest icebergs ever recorded, a trillion-ton behemoth more than seven times the size of New York City, has broken off of Antarctica, triggering disagreement among scientists over whether global warming is to blame. 有记录在案的最大冰山...

  • 中日韩举行三边自由贸易第12轮会谈

    17-04-14 Top negotiators from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) met in Tokyo Thursday on pushing forward trade in goods and services as well as investment at the 12th round of talks on a trilateral free trade agreement (FTA). 来自中国、日本以及韩...

  • 2017中国航空产业增长领先全球

    17-03-30 Chinese airlines have led the global growth of air travel in 2017 to date, recording an astonishing fourteen percent rise of capacity compared to the same period in 2016. 截止目前,2017年中国航空业领先全球航空旅行增长,与2016年同期相比增长达到惊人的...

  • 不同国家的世界之最

    17-03-17 United States Eating meat, owning guns and making billions The US tops countless tables. It eats the most meat (120kg per person, per year, putting it clear of Kuwait, Australia, The Bahamas and Luxembourg), own the most guns (112.6 for every 100 re...

  • 全球变暖导致驯鹿体重减轻

    16-12-26 A 16-year survey on the arctic Norwegian island of Svalbard found the reindeer there have declined in weight by an alarming 12 percent. 一项对挪威北极区域斯瓦尔巴特群岛长达16年的调查发现,这里的驯鹿体重下降了12%,这一数字让人震惊。 The reduction in...