• good Samaritans 好心人

    12-07-02 Many people in China are hesitant to help people who appear to be in distress for fear that they will be blamed. High-profile law suits have ended with good Samaritans ordered to pay hefty fines to individuals they sought to help. 面对遭遇不幸需要帮...

  • 《兔子洞》六

    12-06-06 影片对白 Becca: Oh. Eurydice dies, and Orpheus misses her so much that he travels to Hades to retrieve her, but in the end it doesn't work out. Jason: I should read it. Becca: So, is the scientist your dad? The scientist that the boy is looking for....

  • The Star-Child 1

    12-02-07 Once upon a time two poor woodcutters were making their way home through a great pine-forest. It was winter, and a night of bitter cold. The snow lay thick upon the ground, and upon the branches of the trees: the frost kept snapping(猛咬) the litt...

  • Advice for Good Little Girls

    11-06-29 Good little girls ought not to make mouths at their teachers for every trifling offense. This kind of retaliation(报复,反击) should only be resorted to under peculiarly aggravating circumstances. If you have nothing but a rag doll stuffed with sa...

  • 怎么说“真人不露相”

    10-11-17 假如你去眼镜店配眼镜,你买了一副特别高级的水晶石镜片,却配了一个塑料镜框。当你戴上这副眼镜的时候,估计没几个人能看出来它们真正的价值所在。这就是我们今天要说的这个最新表达 good lenses, bad frames ,好镜片,赖镜框,真人不露相。 Good lenses, bad frames...

  • The Heaven of 33-2

    10-08-24 At that time, so very long ago, there were some unfortunate ugly gods called ' Asuras(魔鬼,阿修罗) '. They had taken to living in the second heaven world. The one who had been Magha the Good in his previous life, was now Sakka, King of the Heaven...

  • The Heaven of 33-1

    10-08-24 Once upon a time, when King Magadha was ruling in the land, there was a young noble called, 'Magha the Good'. He lived in a remote village of just 30 families. When he was young, his parents married him to a girl who had qualities of character simil...

  • 政治家左右手的使用可反映其正反观点

    10-07-30 In laboratory tests, right- and left-handers associate positive ideas like honesty and intelligence with their dominant(显性的,支配的) side of space and negative ideas with their non-dominant side, says Daniel Casasanto of the Max Planck Institut...

  • King Goodness The Great 善良伟大的国王

    10-07-28 Once upon a time, in Benares in northern India, the Enlightenment Being(启蒙运动) was born into the royal family. When he became king he was called Goodness the Great. He had earned this title by trying to do good all the time, even when the resul...

  • 研究:负面情绪也有益处

    09-11-21 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学心理学教授约瑟夫弗格斯新近的一项研究发现,负面情绪能够提高人们的判断力,让他们少受骗;同时还能增强记忆力。这项研究显示,处于负面情绪中的人对周围环境关注更多,也更具批判性;而相比之下,开心的人们不太注意周围环境,而且很容易相信...