• number-crunching 大量的数字运算

    21-07-09 Number 是数字,crunching 是动词 crunch 的现在分词,指嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼,这两个词合在一起组成不可数名词number-crunching,意思是对大量的数字进行运算。这个词适用于那些虽然简单但是需要很长时间才能完成的大量的数字计算。这种计算可以由人或电脑完成。 例句 The...

  • 15个地道表达 上

    21-07-01 1、Im good Im good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示我很好之外,还常用于: - Do you want some chips with your sandwich? 你的三明治要带薯条吗? - No, Im good. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 - Do you have any questions? 你还有什么问题吗? - No, Im good. 没有...

  • 不要光说不练,拿出实际行动。

    21-05-28 Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk. 不要光说不练,拿出实际行动。 talk the talk代表只会用嘴说 walk the walk可以理解成付诸于实际行动 这句话的意思就是:不要耍嘴皮子,得去做才行。 Lets see you do better. 这句话充满挑衅,带有戏谑的味道,你这么...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 42

    21-05-07 The Prices were just setting off for church the next day when Mr. Crawford appeared again. He came, not to stop, but to join them; he was asked to go with them to the Garrison chapel, which was exactly what he had intended, and they all walked thith...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 30

    21-05-07 Miss Crawfords uneasiness was much lightened by this conversation, and she walked home again in spirits which might have defied almost another week of the same small party in the same bad weather, had they been put to the proof; but as that very eve...

  • as long as you're happy 你开心就好

    21-03-21 as long as youre happy 这种表达看起来虽然很中式,其实歪果仁也是能get到哒!而且表达的情绪是中性的,要看你在什么情况下对谁用。 例句: As long as youre happy, I could do anything for you. 只要你开心,我什么都愿意。(别,我不愿意) good for you 这个表面...

  • You gucci 好的、棒的、酷的

    21-01-26 You gucci是什么意思? gucci是国外年轻人口语里常用的词,可以代替good、cool、awesome,形容好的、棒的、酷的。 这个意思还真与意大利时尚品牌Gucci有关,由于Gucci的东西奢华高贵,这个词渐渐就成了好与酷的代名词。 Ps:You gucci这个说法常用于口语和网络,学生党...

  • in apple-pie order 井井有条

    20-12-27 井井有条,汉语成语,意思是条理分明,丝毫不乱,井井表示田地规划得非常整齐,阡陌纵横,后引申为有条理。井井有条常用来形容有条有理,整齐不乱。可以翻译为be arranged in good order。也可以用英文俗语in apple-pie order表示,形容very neat and organized。 例句...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 9 上

    20-12-24 A spiders web is stronger than it looks. Although it is made of thin, delicate strands, the web is not easily broken. However, a web gets torn every day by the insects that kick around in it, and a spider must rebuild it when it gets full of holes....

  • 加油

    20-10-18 Come on! 许多球迷在看球赛或者其它比赛的时候,在扣人心弦的时候,都会说Come on!,以此来表达自己对喜爱的队伍或球员的迫切的支持和鼓励。 Come on也可以用于鼓励别人抓紧,快点做,加把劲儿。 Come on, Henry! Hurry up! Good luck 大家一定会感到疑惑:Good luck不...