• The sick man and the doctor

    13-09-16 A sick man received a visit from his doctor, who asked him how he was. Fairly well, doctor, said he, but I find I sweat a great deal. Ah, said the doctor, that's a good sign. On his next visit he asked the same question, and his patient replied, I'm...

  • 《甄嬛传》热门台词翻译

    13-09-05 1. 贱人真是矫情 搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。 正解:Bitch is so bitching。 解读:bitch意指贱人。后面的bitching是名词动用。当然还有很多翻法,比如在愤怒时也可直接说you,bitch,言简意赅。此外,bitch是一个有些夸张的词,也有很多替代词,比如low等。 2. 这真真...

  • Cherry Tomatoes by Moonlight

    13-07-25 Cherry Tomatoes by Moonlight Kate Sontag Skintight(紧身的) virgins in a rush their red on red sashay(远足,快滑舞步) through vines, so plush(豪华的) their seeds and flesh all bite-size blush your very own stash(藏匿处) ripening in the raw, o...

  • 《天生一对》五

    13-07-25 精彩对白 Blake's mom: Now, tell me dear. How many are we expecting from your side of the family? Just a guestimate . Dad: OK. Can I get back to you on that? I'm, I'm not sure at the moment. Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Chessy: Oh, boss, are you okay...

  • 《征婚广告》五

    13-05-31 片段对白 Sarah: It's okay. Stop that growling ! Use your words. Jake: Stop, sit. Stop, sit. Stop. Sit. Sarah: I don't think he knows stop or sit. What else have you got? Jake: Bruno, focus. Roll over and play dead. Hey, look at that. Look at that. S...

  • public welfare 公益事业

    13-05-08 句子:他随时准备为公益而牺牲个人利益。 误译:He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest for public good. 正译:He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest for public welfare. 解释:作为名词,good 有两个意思:一是好处、益处、利益...

  • 《美国派4:美国重逢》二

    13-04-18 精彩对白 Jim: Kev. Kev: Hey! Jim: What's up, man? Kev: Jim. Oz: Hey, guys! Jim: Oz. Kev: There he is. Jim: You made it . Oz: Hey, I missed your wedding. I wasn't gonna miss this. Hey, buddy. Jim: What's up, pal? Oz: Good to see you. Jim: Yeah, man....

  • 《金枝欲孽》两句台词翻译

    13-03-05 你这个贱人,你不会有好下场!我不会放过你!你一定不得好死! 英文字幕:You're a scumbag! You won't have a happy ending! I'll get even with you! You'll die a tragic death! 看到贱人这个词估计大家第一反应就是bitch。不过这里用的是scumbag一词,这个词在俚语...

  • 《拜见岳父大人3》四

    12-07-27 精彩对白 Jack: An original American Foursquare , Greg, very nice. Focker: Yeah, yeah. It's got rock-solid bones and, you know, it's... Kevin: Hey! There they are. Jack: Kev-O, that's quite a rental . Kevin: Yeah. Gustavo, my assistant, hooked it up...

  • 愿你的思想永远充满阳光

    12-07-11 May you find peace in simple things, because those are the ones that will always be there. 愿你在平凡小事中觅得平和心境,它们呈现出生活最真实的面目。 May you realize the importance of patience and accept others for what they are. With understanding...