• 摩洛哥将关闭1250座清真寺

    10-08-11 Morocco's government says it will close 1,256 mosques deemed unsafe to avoid a repeat of the collapse of a minaret in February that killed 41 people. 摩洛哥政府称,1256座清真寺因为安全问题将被关闭,今年2月份一座宣礼塔倒塌致使41人死亡。 The accident...

  • 委内瑞拉与哥伦比亚重新缔结外交关系

    10-08-11 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his new Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos, have agreed to restore diplomatic relations. 委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯与哥伦比亚新总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯同意重新缔结外交关系。 Hugo Chavez, left, and Juan Manuel Sa...

  • 奥巴马演讲 引领美国经济朝正确方向发展4

    10-08-08 THE PRESIDENT: Well, you guys dont need advice from me, but let me tell you what I see out there. We were hurt by this recession, badly hurt. This is going to take some time to recover. Unemployment is at unacceptably high levels. But as I said befo...

  • 奥巴马演讲 美军将准时离开伊拉克3

    10-08-08 But what did the other party say? No. They want to go back to the status quo that got us into this same situation. The reforms we passed protect consumers and responsible bankers and responsible business owners. Thats what the free market is suppose...

  • 英政府禁止发布涉性招聘广告

    10-08-07 Britain is to ban employers looking for lap dancers, strippers, topless barmaids or sexy web-cam performers from placing adverts at Jobcentres. 日前,英国政府宣布将禁止在就业服务中心发布招聘大腿舞舞女、脱衣舞女、裸胸酒吧女招待或性感视频女郎的广告。...

  • 希腊处理财政赤字初见成效

    10-08-06 Greece's efforts to tackle its public deficit have had a strong start, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union (EU) have said. 国际货币组织与欧盟称,希腊处理财政赤字的努力有了一个强劲的开始。 The comments came after a delegation of...

  • 墨西哥大毒枭伊格纳希欧·柯罗内尔被军方击毙

    10-07-30 The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel. 墨西哥政府宣称,保安部队已杀死伊格纳希欧纳丘柯罗内尔,锡那罗亚州贩毒集团一位顶级人物。 Ignacio Coronel was known as the...

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署不当支付消除与回收法案1

    10-07-26 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Thank you, thank you. Everybody please have a seat. Welcome to the White House. I am pleased that you could all join us today as I sign this bill -- the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act - which,...

  • 奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问4

    10-07-26 Laura Meckler. Q Thank you. Mr. President, in your opening statement you referred to the fact that the British government has been taking some very tough steps towards -- to get their budget in order, and you said you had committed to cut the defici...

  • e-government 电子政府

    10-07-20 自2002年中国开始发展电子政务以来,网站数量一直在增加,然而,近日有评论反映,中国的电子政府还是存在着许多不足之处的。 请看《中国日报》的报道: China's e-government campaign has been faulted for failing to offer efficient public access and enough usef...