• 日本将邀请游客免费游日本、提建议

    10-10-23 为了吸引更多游客并为其提供更好的服务,日本观光厅将邀请一百名母语为英语、汉语和韩语的游客游览日本几个主要城市,并请他们就如何在使用公共交通、入住当地酒店以及在当地餐馆就餐等方面为游客提供更多便利贡献建议。 Japan is planning to recruit dozens of forei...

  • 威尼斯游客将缴纳“进城税”

    10-10-23 意大利政府正在制定相关计划,打算在机...

  • 日本经济最近处于停滞状态

    10-10-20 The Japanese economy is at a standstill, Japan's government has said, as concerns about the strong yen continue to grow. 日本政府称,日本经济处于停滞状态,日本政府担心日元会继续增值。 The recovery in the economy was pausing, the Cabinet Office said...

  • 民主刚果军队受到强奸、谋杀指控

    10-10-15 A UN envoy says government troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) might have committed rape and murder. 一位联合国特使称刚果民主共和国的政府军队可能犯下了强奸、谋杀罪。 Margot Wallstrom visited the Democratic Republic of Congo last week to...

  • 墨西哥湾漏油调查委员会批评美国政府“反应迟钝”

    10-10-07 A commission investigating the response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has strongly criticised the White House in a number of areas. 一个负责调查英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏案的委员会在许多方面强烈批评美国政府。 The report says the govern...

  • 国际足联对尼日利亚实行禁赛

    10-10-05 Fifa has suspended Nigeria from international competition because of government interference in the sport. 因尼日利亚政府的干涉,国际足联禁止其参加国际比赛。 The decision was taken on Monday after several members of the Nigeria Football Federation (...

  • 罗马内务部长因警员罢工被迫辞职

    10-09-28 Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga has announced his resignation after last week's strike by thousands of police officers. 罗马内务部长瓦西里布拉格因上周数以千计的警官举行罢工一事提出辞职。 Mr Blaga, who called the strike illegal, said he was r...

  • 美国欲与索马里兰和普特兰加强联系

    10-09-26 The US wants to strengthen its ties with Somalia's breakaway regions Somaliland and Puntland, the Obama administration's top diplomat for Africa has said. 奥巴马政府负责非洲问题的最高外交官称,美国欲加强与索马里分裂地区索马里兰和普特兰的关系。 The n...

  • personal asset declaration 个人财产申报

    10-09-26 自从新疆阿勒泰地区在全国第一个实施官员财产申报制度之后,多米诺骨牌效应随即产生浙江慈溪、四川高县、上海浦东、湖南浏阳等地相继试水。据悉,官员财产申报具体制度已经从论证进入了实际制定阶段。 请看新华社的报道: Li Fei, deputy director of the Legislative...

  • 哥伦比亚军队杀死22名反政府叛徒

    10-09-20 Colombian security forces say they have killed at least 22 Farc rebels in fighting near the Ecuadorean border. 哥伦比亚安全部队称,在厄瓜多尔边界附近的一场战斗中,他们至少杀死22名哥伦比亚革命武装叛徒。 Police commandos were dropped by helicopter aft...