• 胰岛素给药设备对糖尿病治疗有重要作用

    10-06-09 The growing use of insulin(胰岛素) delivery devices such as pens and pumps may help individuals with diabetes(糖尿病) optimize blood glucose(血糖) control and minimize their risk for chronic health problems associated with diabetes(糖尿病) ,...

  • 印尼2岁男童日吸烟40根

    10-06-05 在印度尼西亚南部苏门答腊省的一个小镇,年仅2岁的男童阿迪雷扎尔算是个名副其实的小烟枪,他每天要吸40根烟,而且只认一个牌子。为此,他的父母每天要花3.78英镑给他买烟。 Ardi, who is rarely seen without a cigarette, insists on the same brand, costing 3.78 (...

  • 沉思可减轻精神上的疼痛感

    10-06-03 People who meditate(考虑,计划) regularly find pain less unpleasant because their brains anticipate(预期,抢先) the pain less, a new study has found. Scientists from The University of Manchester recruited(招募,雇佣) individuals into the study...

  • 第一夫人演讲 Let's move!

    10-05-31 MRS. OBAMA: Well, its good to see you all again! (Applause.) You are the first in this series. The first! Nobody has done this yet. Youre the very first. But let me tell you a little bit more about why youre here. As Shelly said, this is about your...

  • 美国赌城离婚率居排行榜前列

    10-05-22 Worried about the state of your marriage? Don't live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Las Vegas and Billings, Montana where divorce is most prominent. 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?那最好别去怀俄明州的夏延市、拉斯维加斯或蒙大拿州的比林斯市生活,因为这几个城市的离...

  • 微生物将被送入太空进行研究

    10-05-16 A team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will send an army of microorganisms into space this week, to investigate new ways of preventing the formation and spread of biofilms(生物膜) , or clusters of bacteria, that could pose a t...

  • 世界杯球迷需注意酗酒和不安全性行为

    10-05-16 Football fans could put their health at risk during the World Cup this summer by drinking too much and having unprotected sex, a charity has warned. 英国一家慈善机构日前警告说,在今夏世界杯足球赛期间,球迷们可能会因为酗酒和不安全性行为而受到健康威胁...

  • 研究:男性与美女单独会面有害健康

    10-05-08 Meeting a beautiful woman can be bad for your health, scientists have found. 科研人员日前发现,与美女会面可能有害健康。 Meeting a beautiful woman can be bad for your health, scientists have found. The effects are heightened(提高,升高) in men who...

  • 睡眠不足可导致早逝

    10-05-05 Getting less than six hours sleep a night can lead to an early grave, UK and Italian researchers have warned. 英国和意大利的研究人员警告道,每晚睡眠时间少于六小时可能导致过早死亡。 Not too little sleep, yet not too much, the experts advise They said...

  • 红酒如何保护大脑免受中风危害

    10-04-22 Researchers at Johns Hopkins say they have discovered the way in which red wine consumption may protect the brain from damage following a stroke. Two hours after feeding mice a single modest(谦虚的,适度的) dose of resveratrol(白藜芦醇) , a comp...