• make a lucky hit 歪打正着

    21-11-29 歪打正着,汉语成语,比喻所用方法原本不恰当,但却侥幸取得满意的结果。可以翻译为hit the mark by a fluke或make a lucky hit等。 例句: 歪打正着的投篮。 Flukey shot 他远远地开了一枪,歪打正着击中了那辆汽车的油箱。 He fired a rifle from far away, which ma...

  • hit a/the wall 达到极限

    21-09-10 短语 hit a wall 或 hit the wall 直译过来是 撞墙,它实际上用来表示 体力上太疲倦或者精神上太累,以至于无法继续手上的事情。这个短语尤其常用在谈论跑步、锻炼等话题中。 例句 The marathon was going well until the halfway point. I hit a wall and had to give...

  • hit the road 出发,上路

    21-06-15 表达 hit the road 通常被用在某人正要或即将踏上一段旅程时,意思是 出发,上路。它也常用来提出自己就要 离开一个活动,比如一场聚会。 例句 Were going to hit the road early tomorrow to start our trip across the US. Make sure you have a good nights sleep!...

  • hit the books 做功课、看书

    21-05-09 表达 hit the books 的意思并不是 击打书本,而是 做功课、用功看书 的口语说法,人们多用它来表示为准备重要的考试而看书、努力学习。 例句 Wow, that exam is soon. I really need to hit the books if Im going to pass. 哇,那门考试就要到了。我要是想通过,那就...

  • hit the bullseye 一针见血,一语中的

    21-04-11 表达 hit the bullseye 的意思是 做事或说话非常准确,一针见血,一语中的。名词 bullseye 来自飞镖运动。Bullseye 是镖盘正中央的 靶心。所以,hit the bullseye 表示 飞镖击中了这个区域,即 命中靶心。 例句 Her assessment of the issues related to our marketing...

  • 《致命女人》中那些经典口语素材

    20-10-18 throw a party 办聚会 在口语中,可以使用throw parties来证明这个人热爱社交。别再用have a party了! could use 需要 这是一句美国口语,也是一种习惯用法,可不是字面上能使用的意思,而是指很需要,很想要,相当于need sth.在日常生活中很常见。 a big hit 巨大成...

  • 羿射不中

    14-10-17 King Xia put a target as large as a square-foot at a distance and asked the marksman Hou Yi to shoot it. The king said to him, If you can hit it, I will reward you with ten thousand liangs of gold. If you miss it, I will take away a thousand fiefs f...

  • 奇怪的名字

    14-05-30 An old man who lived in the country had given his two sons very strange names. He named his elder son Thief, the younger one Hit. One day Thief had just stepped out of the door when something occurred to his father. To call him back, his father shou...

  • Fathers spanked as children less likely to hit own kids: stu

    09-08-16 Fathers who were spanked as children are less likely to spank their own children than mothers who were spanked while young, according to a US study. Researchers from Ohio State University set out to see if 1990s parents followed the practices of the...

  • Green failures 'may hit taxpayer' 绿色行动失败“可能会打击到

    09-08-05 The failure of government departments to cut their carbon emissions could hit taxpayers, MPs have warned. 政府部门削减二氧化碳排放的行动失败将会使纳税人遭受损失。 A new scheme will penalise bodies performing badly on CO2 emissions The Environmental...