• not need to和 needn't区别是什么?

    21-10-29 动词 need 的意思是 需要,必须。它的否定形式有两种:not need to 和 neednt。它们有区别吗?现在时态和过去时态下的这两个否定形式在用法上一样吗? 用法总结 1 在现在时态下,(do) not need to 和 neednt 表达的意思通常是一样的,即 不需要,用不着。Neednt 比 not...

  • 人文知识考点

    21-10-04 1.Which of the folowing is NOT a compound word? A. Landlady B. Greenhouse C. Uplift D. Unacceptable 2.The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we dont have to work. This is an example of ____ A. meann...

  • 国家电网回应部分地区拉闸限电

    21-09-29 近期,包括辽宁、吉林、广东等地出现电力供需形势紧张,一些地区采取了有序用电、拉闸限电等举措。 Measures to reduce electricity use in factories are currently being enforced in 10 provincial-level regions, including the economic powerhouses of Jiangsu,...

  • 极简主义和极繁主义

    21-09-14 如何装饰自己的家是一件非常个人的事情。你喜欢简单素净还是大胆精致的装潢? Some say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they decorate their home. We often find pleasure in the things we stick in our houses, be it trinkets we bought on holiday...

  • brave something out 勇敢面对或耐心处理

    21-09-10 短语 brave something out 的意思是 勇敢面对或耐心处理一个困难而不愉快的情况。 例句 We had to brave out the bad weather, but we still made the most of our holiday. 虽然不得不忍受恶劣的天气,但我们还是尽量享受了假期。 I have a pile of work to do, but I...

  • brings you back down to earth 回到现实

    21-09-02 某事 brings you back down to earth 的意思就是这件事情使你从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中。 例句 I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs, the hippos then I looked at my bank balance and it brought me back down t...

  • old the fort 临时代管处理事物

    21-08-30 如果你 hold the fort 那就是说临时代管处理事物。 例句 When Michael, the boss, went on holiday, he asked me to hold the fort at our company. Im just going out to the shops for 20 minutes, can you hold the fort? 请注意 另一个包含 fort 一词的短语是 to b...

  • just the ticket 正合心意

    21-08-25 如果用 just the ticket 来形容某物,那就意味着这正是一个人所需要的东西,此物正合一个人的心意。 例句 These boots are just the ticket for our walking holiday in the Alps. Jane said my low-fat cake was just the ticket for someone whos on a diet. 请注意...

  • bow to pressure 迫于压力而做出让步

    21-08-19 Bow to pressure 的意思是迫于压力而做出让步。 例句 Bowing to pressure from its customers, the restaurant changed the menu to include a vegetarian option. The senator accused Barack Obama of bowing to pressure from environmentalists. He resigned his p...

  • on another planet 在另一个世界

    21-08-04 如果形容一个人是在另一个世界,那就表示这个人对眼前的事情心不在焉,漠不关心。 例句 Janes on another planet she went to buy some apples and bought lemons instead! John really doesnt listen in class; he seems to be on another planet. 请注意 如果说一个...