• 意大利酒店为备孕夫妇送福利

    16-12-06 Hotels in the Italian city of Assisi are doing their bit to boost the countrys flagging birth rate by offering a free holiday to couples who conceive there. 为提振全国持续下降的生育率,意大利阿西西市的酒店为备孕夫妇送福利夫妻若在酒店住宿期间怀孕即可...

  • 十大现代求婚地点

    16-10-04 1. At home - 49% 2. On a day out - 7% 3. On holiday abroad - 6% 4. The local pub - 6% 5. On holiday in the UK - 5% 6. In the car - 5.5% 7. At a restaurant - 4.5% 8. In the garden - 2% 9. On the beach - 2% 10. In a Hotel - 1%...

  • holiday pounds 假期胖子

    16-08-24 Holiday pounds refer to the extra little bit of weight you put on during a period of being on holiday or vacation. Holiday pounds指休假或者节假日期间额外增长的那部分体重,我们可以戏称为假期胖子。 For example: Man, when I get back to work Ill have to...

  • 走遍世界沟通无忧的一件T恤

    16-04-24 Now you can travel anywhere and be able to communicate - genius! 现在你可以走遍世界沟通无忧了太有才了! The new IconSpeak Global communication tee is SO simple we cant quite believe it didnt exist before now. Think about it: how easy would it be if...

  • 春节期间北京旅游收入同比增长2.9%

    16-02-14 Tourism revenue in Beijing rose 2.9 percent year on year during the week-long Spring Festival holiday, according to the municipal tourism commission. 北京市旅游局表示,春节长假期间北京的旅游收入年同比增长2.9%。 Tourism revenue reached 4.92 billion y...

  • degifting 免礼

    16-01-28 Degifting is a mutual agreement to suspend holiday gifts, usually within a single family or circle of friends. Degifting指在家庭范围或朋友圈内约定过节期间不用互赠礼物,简称过节免礼。 Degifting can also refer to the act of replacing useless and point...

  • staycation 宅度假

    16-01-08 Staycation is a portmanteau that combines stay and vacation and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home. 宅度假是由stay(宅)和vacation(度假)组成的混合词,指在家或家附近度假。 People might make day trips to local tourist sites,...

  • 奥巴马讲话 祝福全国人民节日快乐

    15-12-27 Hi, everybody. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Not just for spreading holiday cheer-but also for list makers. You've got wish lists; Santa's list; and of course, a blizzard of year-in-review lists. So I decided to get in on the action. As...

  • 美国德州全职圣诞老人全年无休

    15-12-24 It turns out Santa Claus doesn't get a well-deserved break once the holiday season ends. 圣诞季结束后,圣诞老人并没有得到应有的休息。 Jim Fletcher, a retired engineer, has become a local celebrity in his hometown of Houston, Texas, where he dresses...

  • 《圣诞老人3:免除条款》小揭秘

    15-12-24 Now that Santa/Scott Calvin and Mrs. Claus/Carol Calvin have the North Pole running smoothly, the Counsel of Legendary Figures has called an emergency meeting on Christmas Eve! 就在圣诞公公司各特凯文和圣诞婆婆卡洛尔凯文顺风顺水地管理着北极事务的时候...