• 英国1/4老板会在假期打电话给员工

    11-08-09 One in four managers thinks it's OK to call their workers while they're on holiday, according to a new report. 一项新报告称,1/4的经理认为在员工休假时打电话给他们没什么大不了的。 A study of 2,000 employers and employees revealed millions of staff sh...

  • 中年女性假日服装花费高过旅行费

    11-07-03 Chaps, if youre planning a summer getaway with the lady in your life, be warned the flights and hotels may be the cheapest part. 伙计们,如果你正打算和自己的女人夏天外出度假,请注意了:机票和旅馆费可能是度假花费中最便宜的部分。 Four out of five wome...

  • Being Properly Equipped

    11-03-01 A female newscaster(新闻广播员) is interviewing the leader of a youth club: Interviewer: So, Mr. Jones, what are you going to do with these children on this adventure holiday? Mr. Jones: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing(划艇,独木舟)...

  • 俄罗斯某省禁止庆祝情人节

    11-02-19 情人节前夕,俄罗斯别尔哥罗德省的学校和机构接到通知,禁止他们举办任何形式的情人节庆祝活动,该省的很多夜店和商业机构也被禁止策划相关的商业活动。 Not everybody in Russia is in love with Valentine's Day. Authorities in Belgorod province are urging schoo...

  • 萨科齐要求官员在国内度假

    11-02-19 法国总理和外长日前陷入北非国家免费度假丑闻,致使萨科奇政敌借机对其提出批评。为了避免类似事件,法国总统萨科齐要求内阁部长们在国内度假。 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has ordered his ministers to stay in France on holiday to avoid diplomatic gaffes...

  • 翻译辨误4

    11-02-17 As luck would have it he was caught by the teacher again. 正译:不幸的是,他又被老师逮个正着。 误译:正如幸运所有的那样,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 解析:正如幸运所有的那样是照字面死译,意思不清楚。As luck would have it是一个常见的短语,这里的luck(原...

  • 英国考虑把劳动节定于十月

    11-02-08 英国政府考虑把法定假日五一劳动节挪到10月,并更名为英国节或特拉法尔加节,以促进旅游业。 The British government said Saturday it was considering moving the May Day public holiday to October, in a move that would delight the tourism industry but which...

  • 圣诞丑衫大流行

    10-12-27 O Christmas sweater, O Christmas sweater! Amid a surge in fashion nostalgia, the much-maligned Christmas knit is enjoying a moment of irony-infused popularity. 圣诞毛衫!圣诞毛衫!随着时装怀旧风的兴起,曾经饱受攻击的圣诞毛衫正迎来戏剧性的大流行。 In...

  • 停用某些骨质疏松症药物可能有益骨健康

    10-11-19 Taking time off from certain osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) drugs may be beneficial to bone health, according to a study conducted at Loyola University Health System. Researchers found that bone density remained stable for three years in patients who to...

  • 英国石油工作服在美国热销

    10-10-17 An oil-splattered BP engineer's boiler suit has become one of the most successful Halloween costumes in the United States. 英国石油公司工程师的一套溅满油污的连衫裤工作服最近成为美国最热销的万圣节服饰之一。 The success of the costume shows people acr...