• 观光旅游常用词汇

    13-03-19 旅游公司 tourism company 团体旅游 group tour 包价旅游/跟团旅游 package tour 春游 spring outing 秋游 autumn outing/fall excursion 蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour 境外旅游 overseas tour 中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 国际旅行...

  • 女性喜欢在社交网站上美化其生活

    13-03-15 Women consistently lie on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to make their lives appear more exciting, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,女性总爱在Facebook或Twitter这样的社交网站上说谎,把自己的生活描述得比实际更精彩。 Researchers f...

  • 度假有益身体健康

    13-02-03 Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you're there - you reap the health benefits for months, new research shows. 新研究显示,度假不仅让你在当时感觉良好,而且给你的健康带来的益处可维持数月之久。 Jetting off to exotic(异国的) destinat...

  • 英国百万职员因工作压力未休完年假

    12-11-25 More than a million workers will fail to take their full entitlement of leave this year, according to a report. 根据一项报告,英国超过百万的职员今年没能休完年假。 It found workers will give up a total of 6.2 million days of annual leave, with the av...

  • 一个手指

    12-11-14 Mom, you should put some of your things away. Baby proof this house, stated our oldest son Mark as he lumbered up the stairs followed by his wife, Kim, and fifteen-month-old Hannah. Visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday, he finished unloading the...

  • 英国王室就半裸照事件起诉法国杂志

    12-09-22 Lawyers for Britain's royal family will go to court in France on Monday in a bid to stop further publication in that country of topless photos of William's wife Kate, the prince's office said Sunday. 威廉王子办公室上周日表示,英国王室的律师将于本周...

  • Greycation 同堂假期

    12-08-22 Greycation is a family vacation which is spent with grandparents in an effort to share costs. 同堂假期是和祖父母一起度假来分担费用的家庭假期。 An estimated 2.7 million families are planning to holiday in the UK this year with children, parents and g...

  • 旅游垃圾让马尔代夫政府头疼不已

    12-07-01 Three-quarters of a million tourists flock to the pristine, white beaches every year - but this booming industry has come at a price. When the influx of foreigners left the government struggling to cope with a relentless stream of rubbish, their ans...

  • 剑桥大学公共假日派对引公众不满

    12-05-14 They are among the most academically gifted in the country and are destined for glittering futures. 剑桥大学的学生堪称天之骄子,注定前程大好。 However, the police and paramedics(护理人员) were forced to intervene following the stupidity or misguid...

  • Social jet lag 假后返工时差

    12-04-24 Social jet lag refers to the feeling of being very tired when you return to work after a holiday, especially because of changes to your sleeping pattern. Social jet lag指休假结束返回工作岗位时的倦怠感,主要是由睡眠模式的变化引起的,称为假后返工时差...