• 感恩节过后奥巴马带女儿逛书店

    14-12-05 为响应感恩节过后的星期六小商家日,美国总统奥巴马于11月29日带着两个女儿玛丽亚和萨莎光顾了华盛顿一家知名独立书店,并购买了17本书,其中一本书还与中国有关。 President Barack Obama tried to draw attention to independently owned businesses on the Saturday...

  • on-calliday 待命假日

    14-11-11 On-calliday is the special, and personal, time of year that you take time off from your work duties to spend with families, aka holiday, but are required by your company to be accessible (as by mobile phone, pda or laptop) to address urgent issues....

  • 万圣节美国人害怕什么

    14-11-02 漫画家阿尔卡拉斯在万圣节到来之际画了一幅漫画,讽刺了美国人害怕什么、媒体在谈论什么以及谈论不够多的是什么。 Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz made a cartoon just in time for Halloween that lampoons what scares Americans, what the media focuses on, and what isn...

  • 八成女性上传照片前要修图

    14-08-04 Eight out of ten women 'edit' their holiday snaps before uploading them to social media so only their slimmest angles are shared, according to new research. 最新调查显示,八成女性往社交网站上传照片之前,都会修图,好让朋友们看到自己苗条漂亮的一面。 M...

  • 日本政府公布第16个全国性假期

    14-06-08 Around this time each year, millions of Americans are enjoying a three-day weekend heading into Memorial Day. 数以百万计的美国人每年都会享受三天的美国阵亡将士纪念日假期。 It's one of just 10 national holidays for a country that prides itself on a wo...

  • 免费wi-fi对享受度假非常重要

    14-02-20 Not so long ago, the weary tourist would head off on holiday for the simple pleasures of recharging their batteries, topping up their tan and relaxing on a sun-lounger. 以前,疲惫的游客还会为了享受自我充电、把皮肤晒成棕褐色和徜徉在日光浴浴床的乐趣而...

  • holiday package anxiety 节日包裹焦虑症

    13-12-24 Holiday package anxiety refers to freaking-out over that special online purchase that's supposed to be delivered before Christmas. 节日包裹焦虑症指的是因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。 Example: Husband: Why are you so...

  • Don't make me laugh! 你太可笑了,别逗了

    13-12-23 Jennifer: Hi, I'm Jennifer and this is Authentic Real English. In this programme, we teach you about English words or phrases which you might not find in the dictionary. Here comes Feifei. Feifei: Hello Jen. 大家好!Jen 我有事儿要告诉你。 Jennifer:...

  • zero hours contract 零时工合同

    13-10-18 The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so that t...

  • 工作时间缩短不保证能使员工更快乐

    13-08-22 A reduction in working hours does not necessarily mean happier employees, as it might merely be adding stress to their general working environment. This is according to a study by Robert Rudolf of Korea University, Seoul, that looks at the impact of...