• 适当的营养可帮助防止感染

    10-08-31 Richard Lamb and his post doctoral fellow Virginie Mieulet, in the Faculty of Medicine Dentistry, may be able to explain why proper nutrition(营养) is so vital in fighting infection. They have discovered an amino acid(氨基酸) , called arginine(...

  • 丙肝患者的抑郁情绪往往被忽视

    10-07-21 Researchers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland (the NORDynamIC project group) have observed that depressive symptoms in patients with hepatitis(肝炎) C virus (HCV) infection are commonly overlooked in routine clinical interviews, and that tr...

  • 生吃小龙虾有可能感染寄生虫

    10-05-26 If you're headed to a freshwater stream this summer and a friend dares you to eat a raw crayfish(小龙虾) don't do it. You could end up in the hospital with a severe parasitic(寄生的) infection. Physicians at Washington University School of Medic...

  • 外科手术病人要避免术后感染

    09-12-16 Post-surgical infections significantly increase the chance of hospital readmission再入院 and death and cost as much as $60,000 per patient, according to Duke University Medical Center researchers who conducted the largest study of its kind to date....

  • 甲流不只“爱”年轻人

    09-11-21 美国加利福尼亚州公共卫生研究人员近期的研究发现,各年龄段人群都有可能受到甲流侵害,而肥胖人群感染甲流后,病情恶化的可能性更高。在研究中,他们的确发现感染甲流的人群比患普通季节性流感的人群年龄要偏低,但同时也发现重症感染患者的年龄分布并不仅限于年轻人...

  • 艾滋病疫苗试验宣告失败

    09-10-21 A review of a trial of a HIV vaccine in Thailand has concluded that it does show real signs of a protective effect. 通过对泰国进行的艾滋病毒疫苗试验的研究得出结论:这种疫苗并没有显示出真正的保护效果。 The search for an HIV vaccine has proved frustra...

  • HIV vaccine 'reduces infection' 艾滋病毒疫苗可“减少传染”

    09-09-25 An experimental HIV vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of infection, researchers say. 研究人员称,一种试验性艾滋病疫苗首次降低了其传染的风险。 Developing an HIV vaccine has proved difficult The vaccine - a combination of two earlier experim...

  • Binge drinking ups infection risk 酗酒加大感染危险

    09-09-19 Going on a drinking binge could leave you wide open to infections, as well as hangovers, work suggests. 研究显示,过度饮酒会导致人体感染,以及酒后头疼。 Booze can lower the body's natural defences Drinking copious(丰富的) amounts of alcohol in one...

  • Infection-allergy link questioned 专家质疑传染病与过敏间的联

    09-09-09 The notion of exposing young children to infections in a bid to protect them from later allergies is wrong, latest research suggests. 最新研究显示,将幼童暴露于传染环境中以防止他们将来过敏的做法是错误的。 Catching infections early on in life may do...

  • NHS told to be on alert for flu 英国国民健康组织呼吁警戒猪流

    09-08-28 The NHS must remain on top of its game in the battle against swine flu, the chief medical officer says, despite the number of new cases falling. 英国国民健康保险总医务官称,尽管猪流感新感染病例正在下降,该部门仍然保持对猪流感的最高警惕。 The number...