• 当前我国通胀水平整体可控

    22-04-15 国家统计局4月11日发布数据显示,3月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨1.5%,环比持平。分析指出,当前我国通胀水平整体可控。 Chinas inflation remained generally stable in March despite sporadic domestic resurgences of COVID-19 and bulk commodity pr...

  • 拜登政府的美元经济刺激计划导致美国陷入高通胀

    22-04-15 美国《华盛顿时报》近日报道,旧金山联邦储备银行的一项新研究表明,拜登政府的1.9万亿美元经济刺激计划导致美国陷入高通胀。2021年3月11日,美国总统拜登正式签署1.9万亿美元新冠纾困法案,致力于缓解疫情给美国民众带来的经济困境,推动个人消费增长,提升经济增速。...

  • 美国很可能在一年内陷入经济衰退

    22-04-02 美国理海大学经济学教授安东尼奥布里恩(Anthony OBrien)近日发文称,由于美联储采取了错误的货币政策,美国很可能将在未来一年内陷入经济衰退。 The US economy seems headed for a recession later this year or early next year. A recession would make clear tha...

  • jaw-dropping 令人瞠目结舌

    21-12-24 在我们为某事感到惊呆时可以用 jaw-dropping 来形容,类似汉语里的瞠目结舌。 例句 Norways Lofoten islands are famous for their jaw-dropping views of the Midnight Sun and Northern Lights. Some pictures by old masters reach jaw-dropping prices at auction....

  • 委内瑞拉通货膨胀预计将达720%

    16-12-05 Inflation in Venezuela is expected to reach 720 percent this year, with the largest bolvar bill now worth just five US cents on the black market. 委内瑞拉的通货膨胀今年预计将达到720%,在黑市上,最大面值的玻利瓦尔币现在仅值5美分。 Some shopkeepers ha...

  • lowflation 低通胀

    15-03-16 Lowflation refers to a persistently low level of inflation, particularly one that threatens a countrys economic prosperity. 低通胀指的是持续保持较低的通胀水平,低通胀往往会威胁到一个国家的经济繁荣。 Example: If the current lowflation goes on for lon...

  • 玻利维亚最低工资标准提高20%

    14-04-23 Bolivia will raise the minimum wage by 20%, President Evo Morales announced on Monday. 玻利维亚总统埃沃莫拉莱斯周一宣布,将最低工资标准提高20%。 Following talks with leaders from Bolivia's main trade union federation, President Morales also said tha...

  • title inflation 头衔通胀

    13-10-31 Title inflation is the practice of assigning a more impressive-sounding name to a job position, usually without providing additional responsibilities, resources, or benefits. Title inflation指给某个工作岗位定一个听起来很厉害的名字,而工作职责、资源...

  • 巴西提升基准利率 抑制通货膨胀

    13-08-29 Brazil has raised its benchmark interest rate to 9% from 8.5% in a further attempt to rein in inflation. 巴西将基准利率从8.5%提升至9%,以求进一步抑制通货膨胀。 The central bank's monetary policy committee, the Copom, voted unanimously for a third st...

  • Squeezed Middle 受挤压的中产阶级

    12-09-12 Dubbed the Squeezed Middle by the Labour Party, millions of low- or middle-income families have seen their standard of living eroded by a toxic mix of high inflation, stagnating pay and government austerity measures. 英国数百万中低收入家庭的生活水平...