• 长沙成为中国创新的中心

    18-08-03 Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, is on the frontline of Chinese innovation. 湖南省省会长沙已经站在中国创新前线。 Hi-tech industries related to the Internet and biological medicine have consistently enjoyed 20 percent growth rates in the past...

  • 香港将“不遗余力”促进创新

    18-05-17 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said on Tuesday that the SAR government will leave no stone unturned in promoting the development of innovation and technology. 香港特别行政区特首林郑月娥周二表...

  • 中国的创新力世界排名第三

    18-03-17 China has been ranked third in the world for innovation by global business leaders, according to the GE 2018 Global Innovation Barometer Report released Friday in Shanghai. 本周五GE在上海公布2018全球创新风向标,全球商界领袖认为中国的创新力世界排名第...

  • 中国将进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神

    17-06-22 China will further boost mass entrepreneurship and innovation by building 92 more demonstration bases, the State Council, Chinas cabinet, announced Wednesday. 中国国务院周三表示,中国将建造92座示范基地,进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神。 The government...

  • 新加坡创新指数亚太地区居首

    16-08-17 Singapore has been ranked the sixth place around the globe in the Global Innovation Index which was released on Monday. 周一发布的全球创新指数显示,新加坡位列全球第六。 Singapore tops in the Asia Pacific region in the annual released index, one plac...

  • pro-innovation government 创新型政府

    15-04-08 We are committed to building a pro-innovation government , and the top priority is to streamline administration and delegate government powers. 我们正在致力于建设创新型政府,首要的事情就是简政放权,这实际上是给市场让出空间,降低市场准入门槛。 创新型...

  • 需要创新的领域不适合家族企业

    14-04-02 From the Murdochs to the Hiltons, families have long sought to keep their businesses in the bloodline. But new research from Concordia University's John Molson School of Business shows that's not necessarily the best method of management. The recent...

  • 斯坦福大学举办机器人聚会

    13-04-19 When I walked onto the Stanford University campus this week and into the Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Lab, I was greeted by a short, gray robot waving his two long arms -- he was looking for a high-five. 这个星期,我来到了美国斯坦福大学校园,当...

  • Self-dependent innovation 自主创新

    12-01-18 Self-dependent innovation and international cooperation will help Chinese large passenger aircraft soar around the world, President of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd (Comac) Jin Zhuanglong has said during the ongoing 49th Paris Air...

  • 苹果前CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯经典语录

    11-08-27 1. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here? 活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗? 2. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected. 成为卓越的代名词,很多人并...