• 现代人为何憧憬乡村生活?

    21-06-21 你梦想过搬到乡村生活吗?在乡村小屋的清晨醒来,放眼窗外,满是无尽的绿色,真是悠闲自在繁忙城市中的现代人为什么憧憬田园风光? Rolling hills and endless green pastures those images are easy to conjure when thinking of the idyllic country lifestyle. When...

  • 《Slumdog Millionaire》贫民窟的百万富翁

    21-06-18 Slumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British drama film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Simon Beaufoy, and co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan. It is an adaptation of the novel Q A (2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Set and filmed i...

  • 《Avatar》阿凡达

    21-06-18 Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the A...

  • If you were coming in the fall

    21-06-17 If you were coming in the fall 如果你能在秋季来到 作者:Emily Dickinson,译者:江枫 If you were coming in the fall, 如果你能在秋季来到, Id brush the summer by 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉, With half a smile and half a spurn, 一半轻蔑,一半含笑, As housew...

  • 如何对“放弃”说不

    21-05-28 STEP 1: Understanding that youre not alone the feeling isnt permanent. 步骤一:明白自己并不孤单而这种情绪不会一直都在。 STEP 2: Start believing in yourself; You have the power to let go of negative beliefs about yourself and the power to create posi...

  • rose-tinted spectacles 过于乐观的态度

    21-05-22 如果整个世界都是 rose 玫瑰色的,那么所有事物看起来会很美好,但这可能只是一层假象。 表达 look at/see something/someone through rose-tinted spectacles 透过玫瑰色眼镜 形容 某人过于积极、乐观,只看到事物最好的一面,多用于暗示实际情况比想象中的要糟糕。...

  • 年轻人不要害怕承担责任

    21-05-17 20多岁的年轻人,难免对漫漫人生感到迷茫,渴望得到来自前辈的指引,不妨来听听加拿大多伦多大学心理学教授乔丹彼得森(Jordan Peterson)的建议。 彼得森教授首先提到,年轻人不要害怕承担责任: Dont be afraid of taking on responsibility. Its where you find wha...

  • 20多岁后悔做的5件事

    21-05-15 1.Letting the party go on a little too long 吃喝玩乐的时间略长 Sure, your 20s is usually a life period where youre pretty free of responsibilities, and many of us use that time to enjoy life and go a little wild. But take this too far and you will r...

  • 关于惜时的名句英译

    21-05-14 盛年不重来,一日难再晨。 及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 晋陶渊明《杂诗》十二首之一 The exuberant years of life will not return, The morning of the day does not repeat itself. Seize your time and brace yourself up, For time does not stop to wait for you. T...

  • the life and soul of the party 灵魂人物

    21-05-13 The life and soul of the party 聚会上的生命和灵魂 指 在社交场合中的活跃分子,能给周围带活力和乐趣的人,也就是汉语里说的 灵魂人物、 核心人物。 例句 Rose is such a fun girl! Shes always the life and soul of the party everyone enjoys her company. 罗丝...