• 崇拜名人之风

    21-03-06 Lady Gaga! Paris Hilton! Kim Kardashian! Err Kim Kardashians hairdresser! These days we have so many celebrities.And some are famous for being well, just famous. So I wondered: is this obsession with celebrities just a phenomenon of the 21st century...

  • 工信部拟对发送商业短信立新规

    20-09-11 The draft regulations say organizations or individuals should not send any commercial short messages or make any commercial calls to users without their consent or request, or after they have been explicitly rejected. 意见稿提出,任何组织或个人未经...

  • 习近平向古巴新总统米格尔·迪亚斯-卡内尔发贺信

    18-04-20 Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Miguel Diaz-Canel on his election as the new Cuban president in a message on Thursday. 中国国家主席习近平周四向古巴新当选总统米格尔迪亚斯-卡内尔发送贺信。 Xi said in the congratulatory message that China an...

  • 习近平向马克龙发祝贺信

    17-05-09 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a congratulatory message to French President-elect Emmanuel Macron. 中国国家主席习近平周一向法国当选总统埃马纽埃尔马克龙发祝贺信。 In his message, Xi said France was the first major Western country to have...

  • 《纽约时报》以短信形式直击奥运现场

    16-08-08 The New York Times has embarked on a new form of storytelling to enhance its coverage of the Summer Olympics: Two-way text-messaging. 《纽约时报》为吸引读者独辟蹊径,推出新型新闻产品以双向短信形式直击夏季奥运现...

  • 苹果新专利:指出信息中经过自动修正的词

    16-05-05 Its a curse that has serially embarrassed smartphone users. The iPhones autocorrect function, which aims to fix touchscreen typists inaccurate spelling, intervenes at precisely the wrong moment, correcting hungry to horny or making texters promise t...

  • 英文邮件结尾四规则

    16-04-06 Dont include quotes. 不要包含引言。 Avoid oversized corporate logos. Sometimes we have no choice about this, because our companies insist we include these things, but if they are too big, they draw the eye away from the message. 避免过大的公司标识。...

  • 通过短信盗取用户信息的新式手机病毒

    16-02-26 Recently, China's Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) has intercepted a new type of phone virus among Chinese phone users, CCTV news reported. 中国中央电视台新闻报道,国家计算机病毒应急处理中心近期在手机用户中截获一种新式手机病毒。 The...

  • iceberg tweeting 冰山推文

    16-02-16 Iceberg tweeting refers to posting a note to Twitter where the visible text is only a small part of the overall message. 冰山推文是指在推特上发布一条推文,可以看到的文字只是整条信息的一小部分。 其实,这个所谓的冰山推文与我们日常使用的长微博功能非常...

  • 句号结尾的短信似乎缺乏真挚之情

    15-12-10 If you don't want to send the wrong message, watch how you punctuate your texts. Text messages that end with a period are perceived to be less sincere than messages that do not, according to newly published research from Binghamton University. A tea...