• Oil Refining 石油冶炼

    10-04-29 An important new industry, oil refining(炼油) , grew after the Civil war. Crude oil(原油) , or petroleum(石油) - a dark, thick ooze(软泥) from the earth - had been known for hundreds of years, but little use had ever been made of it. In the...

  • 美国石油钻井爆炸可能影响到周边海洋环境

    10-04-26 There are fears of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, as efforts to clear up an oil spill have been suspended because of bad weather. 美国墨西哥湾海域原油清理工作因天气原因被迫停止,有人担心这会对附近海域的生态环境造成影响。 The slick...

  • 厄瓜多尔欲对外国石油公司加强控制

    10-04-18 The Ecuadorian government has threatened to take over foreign oil concessions if the companies resist growing state control of the industry. 厄瓜多尔政府向外国石油公司发出威胁,如果他们拒绝提高政府对其控制权,政府将收回优惠举措。 Rafael Correa has p...

  • 阿根廷就福克兰主权问题获得广泛支持

    10-02-23 Latin American and Caribbean leaders have come to an agreement supporting Argentina over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, reports say. 报道称,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的领导人一致支持阿根廷对福克兰群岛的拥有权。 Felipe Calderon: document to give A...

  • 英国某石油公司福克兰群岛水域钻井引发争议

    10-02-22 A British rig is due to begin drilling for oil in the territorial waters of the Falkland Islands, despite strong opposition from Argentina. 一家英国石油钻井公司不顾阿根廷政府的强烈发对,将要在福克兰群岛水域钻取石油。 The Ocean Guardian has arrived i...

  • 石油公司需推行可持续化发展措施

    10-02-08 The entry of oil companies into the realm(领域,范围) of renewable energy could present major obstacles(障碍,阻碍) for the development of a sustainable(持久的,可持续性的) economy that is not based on carbon resources, according to a report i...

  • 新型材料可有效吸附油污

    10-02-05 An ultra-lightweight sponge海绵 made of clay泥土,粘土 and a bit of high-grade plastic draws oil out of contaminated受污染的 water but leaves the water behind. And, lab tests show that oil absorbed can be squeezed back out for use. Case Western Rese...

  • 壳牌石油在尼日利亚的石油管线遭破坏

    10-02-01 Royal Dutch Shell has shut three oil flow stations in Nigeria's Niger Delta region after a pipeline was sabotaged, a company spokeswoman has said. 荷兰皇家壳牌公司女发言人称,壳牌公司在尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的一条输油管线被破坏,该公司因此关闭三座...

  • 自我修复高分子物质可延长车用机油使用时间

    10-02-01 Researchers have created self-healing polymers聚合物,高分子 that could extend the lifetime of automotive oils. These polymers are suitable to add to lubricants润滑剂 and could maintain the physical properties of engine oils for longer, they claim h...

  • 俄罗斯与乌克兰发生纷争,并“可能中断对欧盟的石油供应”

    09-12-29 Russia has warned that a price dispute with Ukraine could cause it to cut oil deliveries to three EU countries, Slovakia has said. 斯洛伐克称,俄罗斯与乌克兰的价格纷争可能导致其中断对欧盟三个国家的石油传送。 A Russia-Ukraine gas dispute last January...